Leveling Up

Shinaya threw a volleyball up and it hit him right in the face! He still needed some more practice but he was getting good! A big rule in volleyball is to always keep your eyes in the ball. This didn't go well for Shinaya considering he didn't see the ball heading right for his face! BAKK! The ball hit him hard and he fell over."Sorry bout that!",Daikon said. These players looked like they had been playing volleyball for years. "Alright!",The coach said."I am coach Mal!"

"Now,Shinaya,Daikon,Mako,and Tabisho are on the first team! The next team is,Izaka,Rereshi,Hanoi,and Natsu! Rereshi threw the ball up and smacked it! It went in a straight line! Shinaya hit it back and then Daikon hit it close to the net so Mako could come in and hit the ball! BAM! Natsu hit the ball before it could touch the ground and then Izaka hit it and it landed on the floor! On shinaya's side of the floor! The coach blew the whistle and pointed to the other team."One point!",he yelled.Everyone was sweating at least a little bit but Shinaya was still full of energy! He knew what would happen if the ball hit the floor but it wasn't over! The other team served and then Daikon bounced it backwards! Shinaya ran as fast as he could and then jumped! He had as much speed as a missile! He was pulling his hand forward and then it touched the ball! He smacked the ball and then it hit other team's floor! Kaimo was right about this kid. His height didn't matter at all. It's just the potential. All of it happened so soon. It was getting dark and....Shinaya's team lost. Everyone was cleaning and getting ready to leave,but then....