The Duel

"We challenge you to a duel,if we win,we can use the gym again!",Shinzo yelled."And if you lose?",Tena replied."Our punishment will be extended!",Shinzo yelled back. Shinaya was stunned! Shinzo never told him about the punishment! Shinaya was angry but he held himself back."Alright,let's go.",Hari said. Everyone walked into the court. First up,Tsheli was serving."SERVES UP!!",Tsheli yelled as he threw the ball up and smacked it! BAMSH! The ball zoomed towards Shinzo! Shinzo hit it forward!"Nice receive!",Shinaya yelled as he ran to the ball.Hari was on Shinaya's side to make it fair. He jumped right to the ball and hit it as hard as he possibly could! The ball hit the floor with a big KOKKSHH!!!! Everyone was shocked at what just happened. The coach blew the whistle and pointed to Shinzo's side."One point!",the coach yelled."YEAHHH!!!!",Shinzo and Shinaya yelled. Hari smiled. It was Shinzo's turn to serve! Shinzo threw the ball up and hit it!"Don't touch it!",Tena yelled."It's out!"

He was right. The ball hit out!!! The score was 1-1! "YOU DAMN IDIOT!!!",Shinaya yelled. "SHUT UP!!!!",Shinzo yelled back. "SHUT YOUR DAMN MOUTH!!!"

Tena knew they wouldn't get along anytime soon,and room for improvement was endless. And by endless,I mean the room for improvement is one big old room. Like a mansion! Anyway,it was Kris' turn to serve. Kris threw the ball up and smacked it! The ball....hit the net!!!!

Everyone was shocked! Kris wasn't the best at volleyball. He was sad but everyone cheered him up. Then,it was Shinaya's turn to serve! He had been waiting for so long for this moment! He threw the ball up,and then he pulled his hand back!"Tanner Manakashi Style!",Shinaya yelled as he hit the ball as hard as he could! It looked like it was going out,but it hit the floor!"Impossible!",Tena thought. But he thought wrong. Nothing is impossible if you give it your all! Shinaya's journey had just begun!!!