The Results

Both teams were at a deuce(24 points),and they just needed one point to win! Hari hit the ball and Tena received the ball! Tsheli smacked the ball and that's when it happened. Shinzo hit the ball back and Shinaya ran at full speed! He closed his eyes and hoped! He hit the ball as hard as he could and it hit the other team's floor! The coach blew the whistle extra loud! It was a victory for Shinaya's team!"You two clearly need some practice,but you are getting better.",Tena said with a smile on his face. Shinaya was having a good time."Till forty!",Shinaya yelled. They kept playing back and forth and practicing the new speed attack. Shinaya and Shinzo was perfectly in sync for one attack and the ball was launched! The velocity was perfect and it hit the floor! BAM!! The aiming and trajectory was perfect! Tena and the rest knew that this was going to bring up the team. Giving up was the last thing that Shinaya wanted to do! Everyone went home but Shinaya stayed. He brought out the basket full of all the balls. Practice was all that mattered at this point. Even if it's not a real game,Shinaya would always try his best at the things he loves!! He threw the ball up and smacked it! It hit the floor,but it was an out. The sound of the hit had attracted Shinzo's attention. He started to run to the gym. Shinaya hit the ball hard and it went all over the place. The doors opened and the last place the ball landed was in Shinzo's hand."Let's practice Tomato Top.",Shinzo said."I have a name you know!",Shinaya replied. But Shinzo knew this. He hit the ball while Shinaya was turned around. Shinaya grabbed the ball out of the air and almost deflated it by how hard he was gripping it."If you think I'm going to lose to a beat down arrogant tyrant like you,then I need to knock some sense into your miserable a**",Shinaya muttered. Shinaya was the type of person that would watch a fire for one second and then sprint to save whoever was about to burn! They started practicing. Shinzo threw the ball and hit it as hard as he could! The ball was heading straight for Shinaya!! He walked forward and pulled his hand back! This was his destiny! Then,he hit it with all his might! The ball was launched through the air and it hit Shinzo right in the face! BOKK!!! Everyone knew that Shinaya would do anything to keep that ball in the air. He would do anything to keep himself in the air! He would do keep playing volleyball!!!!