
Dai Zhaoyi, Ye Shuxin's roommate was on her way back to the apartment when she suddenly saw a black Roll-Royce parking in front of the dorm building.

From where she was, she saw a woman, coming out of the car.

She knew who that woman was, her face was too familiar.

When the car left, Dai Zhaoyi hurriedly went to her roommate's side, "Xiao Xin!"

"Gah!" Ye Shuxin was startled by her friend's sudden appearance. "Fuck you, Zhaoyi! You almost gave me a heart attack!"

She giggled, she reached out and clung on her arm, "Ehehe, sorry. By the way, by the way, who was that? Was that Mr. Jin's car? Did you finally make him your sugar daddy? Are we going to be rich now?"

"I'm the only one who's going to get rich." Ye Shuxin smirked triumphantly.

"So... you really did capture him!" Exclaimed Dai Zhaoyi happily.

"Yeah, for now, I did." She looked ahead and went into the building with her.

"Congratulations, Xiao Xin!"


They entered the elevator and pressed the fourth-floor button.

"Our semester's break is finally here, I'll be going home in my hometown for the break. I can't accompany you here for the month. Will you be fine on your own here?"

"Who said I'm going to stay here?" She snickered at her before she left the elevator upon reaching their floor.

"You're not going to stay here?"

There are two semesters in one year. Spring semester in China begins in March and ends at the end of June or the beginning of July while the autumn semester begins in September and ends at the end of January.

Dai Zhaoyi knew that Ye Shuxin didn't have anywhere to go so it made her wonder when her friend told her that she was not going to live in their dorm for the semester break.

"Is it because of your new workplace?" She asked as they entered their room.

"Yeah, it's because of work."

Even though Dai Zhaoyi was her friend, she didn't want to tell everything that was happening, including her marriage and moving in with Jin Mingze.

"Why do you need to work when you already have Mr. Jin with you?"

"I have to look like a strong, independent woman for him first," lied Ye Shuxin. "Our relationship is just beginning, I can't at once depend on him, can I? Besides, he's a busy man as well."

"I guess you're right in that," Dai Zhaoyi was convinced with the lie that her roommate told.

"I'll be leaving tomorrow."

"Eh? At once?"

"My new boss wanted me to work as soon as possible so I have to go."


The next day, after bidding goodbye to Dai Zhaoyi, Ye Shuxin went to the address that Jin Mingze gave.

The place where he was living was located in Hyatt Regency estate. It was Beijing's most famous and well-known estate, a place where only big shots like Jin Mingze could live. It's a proof of one's status.

She was finally entering the high society all thanks to her new husband! She really was so excited.

When the guard saw her, he went to her, "May I help you?"

"My name is Ye Shuxin... I am here for Mr. Jin Mingze."

"Please wait here."

The guard went and called the Jin residence, notifying them about her arrival.

"Ms. Ye, please wait here, Mr. Jin is on his way."


Not long, a blue Koenigsegg came in sight. The tall iron gate was opened and the car went out, stopping in front of Ye Shuxin.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

When she realized what car Jin Mingze was driving, the excitement in her eyes couldn't be hidden, after all, he was driving the most expensive car in the world, Koenigsegg CCXR Trevita.

Jin Mingze saw how Ye Shuxin's eyes sparkled in delight. Well, he intentionally drove that car just to get her. Just like what he expected, her reaction was the same as others.

"Get in."

"Yes, daddy!"

He raised a brow at the way she called him. Daddy?

She placed her luggage inside the car before she went and sat on the passenger seat.

It was pure pleasure, sitting inside the most expensive car. She felt like dreaming.

It was not only the car that she was happy about, but it was also because of the man who was driving on the driver's seat.

Look at me, notice me, know me, LOVE me! She kept begging him mentally, hoping that it showed in her eyes, her eyes sparkling in delight as if she has found the biggest thigh to hug.

Jin Mingze ended up chuckling because of how childish and amusing Ye Shuxin looked like as of that moment.

His usually cold and frigid look seemed gentle when he was looking at how bright and beautiful Ye Shuxin's face was.

She definitely looked like her.

He turned away and drove her to his place.

The mansion loomed proudly behind creaky iron gates, flanked by rows of skeletal trees crowned in crimson, swaying gently to the chilly autumn wind. At its threshold stood the delicate marble fountain, the soft gurgling of the clear water melodic as it resonated in the surrounding silence.

Damn rich people. How can they live in such a place?

He parked the car by the entrance before he went out.

Maids lined up to greet them and a butler helped Ye Shuxin with her luggage.

Just like she has imagined, upon entering the mansion it looked like one of those modern dramas she watched.

She pinched herself just to make sure that she wasn't dreaming. It's real. It was really real.

She felt like a modern Cinderella at that moment. She breathed in deeply, taking in the scent of the place.


It was already perfect for her it was just... that cute, small voice interrupted and spoiled her beautiful and sweet moment.

Here comes the little witch.