Do you want a kiss?

Jin Mingze watched Yanyan walk together with Ye Shuxin while holding her hand, the little girl was leading her new mother to the room that was assigned for her.

Since Ye Shuxin has always thought that children were annoying and loud, she was actually surprised by how behaved Yanyan was and because of that, she ended up looking more adorable in her eyes.

Despite being a child, when it came to her temperance, it was the same as her father. If she was this behaved, then she didn't mind getting along with her.

Meanwhile, Ye Shuxin noticed the Jin family servants' judging eyes. Women who are too beautiful easily cause others to feel insecure. They all knew and were curious about her arrival, still, no one dared spoke a word of gossip or even gave her a second glance. It was expected especially when they are servants of the Jin family. They were all well-trained and efficient. They only left quietly and continue on with their work.

She can't really blame them. She has to keep on acting like a well-bred lady. She knew that so many women must have covetously eyed and schemed many ways just to become Jin Mingze's woman and among those women, she was the only one who succeeded.

Jin Mingze has always been cautious but for some reason, when it came to Ye Shuxin, he ended up giving in to her.

She reminded him of someone and because of that, he allowed her to enter his home.

Upon entering the room that was prepared for her, she stared at the size of it. it was twice the size of the dorm room she was staying in. It was neat and a queen-sized bed was in the middle.

As she walked towards the bed, she reverently rubbed her fingers along the silken mattress. She pressed her palm to the cool, velvet pillows. The comforter was thick and irresistibly soft, like a billowing cloud.

"If you need anything, you can just call any of the servants." Jin Mingze's cool voice was heard. He was standing beside the doorpost.

She was in bliss, she turned to him with a grateful smile, "Thank you, Mr. Jin."


"Mommy, can Yanyan sleep here later?" The small bun asked, looking up at her with her lovely big eyes.

At that moment, with the adoration that was seen in Yanyan's eyes, Ye Shuxin finally gave in. She finally decided that from now on, she was going to treat baby Yanyan as her own daughter.

Who wouldn't melt if a cute little bunny like her was so adorable? Yanyan has soft, chubby cheeks and it was extremely cute!

She loved bunnies so much!

Her lips curled up, she felt her hand itching to touch the little girl's cheeks.

"Sure! I don't mind!"

Jin Mingze carefully sized up, scrutinizing Ye Shuxin's every expression to see if she was faking her interactions with his daughter.

Ye Shuxin realized the man's gaze on her so ended up looking at him,

His chilling stare seemed to pierce through her. The look he gave her felt invasive.

It was uncomfortable in her part.

Damn it. This man is a slave to his daughter.

She couldn't help but think that he was actually being jealous since she was getting his beloved daughter's attention.

Ye Shuxin decided to join the staring contest, unwilling to lose to him.

A sudden thought entered her mind and this made her walk towards him.

"Don't you know that it's rude to stare that way?" A small sly smirk appeared on her lips as she leaned her face close to his, "I know I'm beautiful, if you want a kiss, you can just ask."

According to their contract, they were not to share a room. He was not allowed to touch her in any intimate way without her permission but it wasn't stated there that she was not allowed to tease him.

She was only a breath away, a little bit more, their lips would have touched.

"Well?" The sweet scent of the candy she had earlier entered his nostrils. "Do you want a kiss?"

Just before Jin Mingze's reply was heard, a small squeal was heard which made the two grownups turn to the little girl who was staring up at them on their side.

Her small hands were on her pinkish cheeks and she was smiling happily at them, "Mwuah, mwuah, please kiss." Yanyan even made a smooching sound.

Jin Mingze: "..."

Ye Shuxin: "..."

"Yanyan wants to see mommy and daddy kiss." She ended up pouting when she saw them staring down at her instead.

When she didn't receive any reaction from them, she puffed out her chubby cheeks, "Fine! Yanyan won't look!"

She covered her eyes with her hands but later on, she peeked between her fingers just to see if they kissed.

Because of her cute actions, Ye Shuxin ended up laughing out instead.

She was so adorable! How can this kid be so cute?

Jin Mingze ended up looking back at her.

The laugh was in her eyes, in the way her face changed into that vision of relaxed joy and unrestrained mirth. Ye Shuxin's laugh was more like a burst water main arching into the brilliant summer sky soaking everyone around her.

A small smile appeared on Jin Mingze's lips, his gaze even became gentle. If it was her... then he didn't mind having such a mother for his daughter.

He reached out and held her chin, leaning in and capturing her lips.