A little fall

The only members of the Jin family that were in the house were Jin Mingze and his daughter. It was their first dinner together with Ye Shuxin.

It was different than the usual dinner. Having Ye Shuxin's presence there made their dinner together livelier since she was getting along really well with Yanyan.

"Why aren't you eating carrots?" Ye Shuxin asked when she noticed the small pieces of carrots ignored on the side of Yanyan's plate.

With the voice of a spoiled child, she replied, "Yanyan don't like carrots." She pouted as she turned to the carrots. She was looking at them as if they were her enemies.

Ye Shuxin turned to the man who was quietly eating. She only gave him an inquiring gaze.

He noticed her gaze making him turn to her, "She doesn't like carrots." He said before he continued on eating quietly.

Ah, this man...

She almost forgot that he was actually a slave to his daughter.

She heaved out a heavy sigh before she looked back at the child, "Yanyan, you shouldn't be picky."

"But mommy..."

Jin Mingze paused from eating his food as he turned his look once again to Ye Shuxin.

Did she just scold his daughter?

"Are mommy's eyes beautiful?"

Yanyan nodded with a grin, "Yes! I want to have beautiful eyes like mommy!"

"Carrots are good for the eyes you know. And it really tastes good." She tried her best to make her voice sound as gentle as possible while she was trying to convince her.

The little girl ended up looking back at the carrots on her plate, a pout forming on her lips.

"You don't have-"

Jin Mingze's words were interrupted when Ye Shuxin glared at him.

He was about to open his mouth again but stopped upon seeing his daughter eat the carrots.

Ye Shuxin smiled when she saw the little girl eat, "Good girl! My baby's the best!"

Yanyan felt proud upon hearing the praise from her. She even ate more just to be praised more by her.

Jin Mingze was surprised at how Ye Shuxin handled his daughter.

Just like what she said, she was indeed an expert in handling kids.


The next day, Ye Shuxin woke up early that morning to do her routine exercise.

She took a bath after she was done with her exercise.

Since it was still too early, to be exact, 4:47 in the morning, she decided to take a stroll around the place.

While she was walking, she saw Wei Zhou climbing up the stairs.

"Good morning," Ye Shuxin greeted upon seeing her.

Wei Zhou didn't expect to see her awake. Since they were the only ones there, she didn't hide her dislike to her.

Ye Shuxin raised a brow when she saw the pure disdain in Wei Zhou's eyes.

I guess she's one of those servants who didn't like me. Ye Shuxin thought.

She went and stopped in the middle of the stairs, standing in front of Wei Zhou, "I just greeted you."

Wei Zhou smirked, raising a brow, "So? I am required to greet back?"

"Since I am the Madam of this house and you are just a servant, you should know your stance." She patted her shoulder, "And because I am kind, I will let go of your disrespectfulness. There won't be next time."

Wei Zhou gritted her teeth in annoyance. "Bitch." She turned and was about to say something more but stopped when she saw Ye Shuxin intentionally slipped herself down when she was a few steps away from the ground.

"Ah!" Ye Shuxin's loud scream was heard.

"Ow..." She groaned in pain but of course, that was just an act.

Wei Zhou frowned upon seeing her little act, "What-


The butler rushed to Ye Shuxin's side.

"Wei Zhou, what happened?!"

Wei Zhou was standing in the middle of the stairs while Ye Shuxin was on the ground, no matter how one looked at it, it could only cause a misunderstanding.

"I-I didn't do anything!" Wei Zhou quickly denied when she realized what was happening.

"What happened?" Jin Mingze came into the scene after hearing the Ye Shuxin's scream earlier.

It wasn't only him who came, the other servants went to see what was happening as well.

"Wei Zhou pushed the Madam!" The butler reported.

He shot his gaze on his wife and when he saw her on the ground, he dashed to her side and carried her into his arms.

Ye Shuxin was surprised with what he did and what surprised her more was when she saw the worried look on his face.