
"There's... blood." The butler was surprised upon seeing the stain on the ground.


Ye Shuxin looked at the floor that has her bloodstain on it. That blood... did it belong to her?

When Jin Mingze saw the blood, his eyes grew dark. The temperature in the room dropped and everyone was able to feel a chill run down their spines.

"Haofan, guard Wei Zhou, make sure she doesn't escape." He quickly ordered the butler before he took large strides.

"I-I didn't do it!" Wei Zhou's face became dim. She tried to go after her master but she ended up being blocked by Haofen, the butler who came earlier.

"Master Jin! P-please believe me! I didn't do it!" She shouted out loud.

Jin Mingze ignored her cries. He went to the garage. He was in a hurry to bring her to the hospital.

There were a couple of cars inside, lined up but at that moment, Ye Shuxin was distracted because of the wetness she was feeling between her thighs.

Jin Mingze went to the nearest car and placed Ye Shuxin inside.

"Mr.Jin, I'm fine... We don't have to go to the hospital..."

At that moment, she really wanted to go to the bathroom just to check something. She was feeling uncomfortable this time.

Please, please. Not today. Not today. She prayed in her mind.

Not today, not today. She kept on repeating inside.

"No, we have to make sure the baby is alright."

Oh shit... The baby.

She instinctively placed her hand on her tummy.

When Jin Mingze saw that small gesture, his heart trembled. He misunderstood Ye Shuxin's reaction.

"Ye Shuxin..." He tried to comfort her by placing his hand on top of hers. He looked ahead and started driving off from the place in a hurry.

Yes, she was worried. Not worried about the baby. No, not the baby. She was actually worried that Jin Mingze might end up finding out that there was no baby in the first place.

How can she forget that she was actually pretending to be pregnant?

She scolded herself for being incredibly stupid!

"M-Mr. Jin... I-I'm really fine..." She tried her best to stop him from going to the hospital.

"We can't say that right now."

Ah shit. Shit. She was going to be dead. He would kill her. He was surely going to kill her!

What should she do? What should she do?

She was panicking inside. She was panicking so much that it started showing up on her face. Her heart twisted and sunk with nerves as she was sitting there.

When Jin Mingze noticed how quiet she became, he took a quick glance at her only to see how pale her complexion was. The panic in her eyes could clearly be seen.

He looked ahead. He was clenching the wheel tightly since he was extremely worried.

He reached out and placed his hand on her belly, gently stroking it with his thumb, "You'll be alright."

He was trying to comfort her but that wasn't the case for Ye Shuxin. For some reason, his hand felt like a mountain that was pressing her stomach.

She closed her eyes and ended up groaning in pain when she felt the sharp pain coming from her stomach as if she was being stabbed there multiple times. Beads of sweat trickled down her brows. She felt her consciousness fading away because of the pain.

She wanted to cry because of her situation and because of the pain she was feeling.

It was just her second day of being a rich wife! She didn't want to give it up!

Please! She needed a miracle!


"Mr. Jin, your wife is only having dysmenorrhea. Many women have menstrual cramps just before and during their menstrual periods." The doctor said.

Jin Mingze's face washed blank with confusion like his brain cogged couldn't turn fast enough to take in the information. Every muscle of his body just froze.

Ye Shuxin bit her lower lip in embarrassment. She slowly turned her back against them and pulled her blanket up to hide.

"Mr. Jin?"

He snapped out of his trance, "Dysmenorrhea...? She's not... Pregnant?"

"Yes, she's not pregnant." The doctor replied.

"... Are you sure?"

"I'm positive."

"I see."

The doctor excused himself and left the couple in the room.

The moment the doctor left, Jin Mingze turned his gaze to Ye Shuxin who was lying down on the hospital bed. The longer he looked, the more she felt like his eyes were boring holes on her back, despite that, she didn't dare turn and face him.