Let's go home


No, it wasn't Ye Shuxin who exclaimed that this time.

Yanyan and the head housekeeper entered the room only to witness the scene where Ye Shuxin was kneeling on the floor while hugging Jin Mingze's thigh.

Of course, it was embarrassing for Ye Shuxin to be caught that way by others but right now, she didn't care about that.

When she saw Yanyan, her eyes sparkled. It was as if she finally saw her savior.

"Baby!" She let go of his thigh and opened her arms instead.

When the little girl saw her do that, she ended up running towards her and giving her a hug. "Mommy!"

Jin Mingze turned to the housekeeper, "Why are you here?"

"The young miss wanted to see madam..."

Jin Mingze pinched the skin between his eyebrows. He knew what Ye Shuxin was trying to do.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" Yanyan asked, placing her small hands on Ye Shuxin's cheeks, trying to wipe away the tears that escaped her eyes.

The little girl turned her head to her father, "Daddy, did you bully my mommy?"

She slapped his leg before she placed her hands on her waist, "Bad daddy! How can daddy bully mommy? Don't bully my mommy!"

Ye Shuxin nodded at her words. Yes, yes. You are not allowed to bully me.


"Daddy, apologize to mommy!"


He knew that Yanyan had become close to Ye Shuxin so it was not going to be easy to separate them now but... even if that was the case, he was not going to allow Ye Shuxin to stay in their place anymore.

"Yanyan, Ye Shuxin has to leave."

When Ye Shuxin heard his words, she ended up crying more.

Yanyan was surprised. She shook her head and hugged her mother, "No! Mommy's not leaving!"

Ye Shuxin hugged her back as well and cried out, "I don't want to leave!"

Jin Mingze's face turned blank. He was trying to. suppress his emotions towards his daughter. He turned to Meng En, the head housekeeper that brought Yanyan there. "Take her."

"Nuuuu!" Yanyan ended up crying out loud the moment she heard her father. "Nuuu! Yanyan wants mommy!"

She held on Ye Shuxin even tighter.

When Ye Shuxin saw how Yanyan cried, it brought pain in her chest.

It was not only her, but Yanyan's cries also broke Jin Mingze's heart.

"Daddy! Daddy! Pwease nuuu!"

"Yanyan... Yanyan, don't cry..." Ye Shuxin tried to comfort the little girl. "Mommy's not going anywhere..."

"Mommy... Mommy... don't lweave Yanyan..."

"I won't..." Ye Shuxin cradled her in her arms before she turned her gaze to Jin Mingze.

She was feeling guilty, so guilty that she was using Yanyan against him. The guilt sat not only on her chest but inside her brain as well. In the end, she decided to give up.

"I'll do what you want..." She said weakly, "Just... give me a week..."

Jin Mingze knew what she was talking about. He could see that she really meant it from her eyes. Not only that, but he could also see how she genuinely care about his daughter. He didn't have a choice but to agree with her because of his daughter, "Okay."

"Thank you..." Ye Shuxin wiped her own tears before she turned to little Yanyan, "Yanyan, don't cry... You're a pretty princess. Crying doesn't suit you."

She gently wiped her tears away, "Can you give mommy a smile?"

Yanyan's face was red and puffy because of crying but seeing Ye Shuxin's gentle eyes, her lips curled up a bit, trying to give her mother a child. "Mommy won't go..."

"Mmm..." It pained her so see that child that way.

One week... She only has one week.

Ye Shuxin leaned and placed a soft kiss on Yanyan's forehead. "Look how pretty you are when you smile. You're the prettiest girl I've ever seen."

She started showering Yanyan's face with kisses which made her giggle a lot. "Mommy!"

Jin Mingze clenched his fists tight. He now knew that Ye Shuxin was only after his money and after the position of 'Mrs. Jin', just like other women who approached him but for some reason, while he was watching her with his daughter, he couldn't bring himself to hate her after what she did.

Yanyan turned her head to her father, "Daddy?"

He stood up and sighed, "Let's go home."

"With mommy?"

"Yes, with her."