Adopting (3)

Arriving at the Animal Shelter, Ye Shuxin accompanied Yanyan in choosing the animal she wanted as a pet.

The child was looking around for a while before she turned to her mother, "Mommy, can we adopt them all?"


"A-All of them?"

Yanyan nodded with a cute smile plastered on her lips. "Please?"

"Uh..." First, it was the penguins and now she wanted all of them?

"But baby... our car is small... we can't have them all." She reasoned out.

"Then we can come back and get them," Yanyan suggested, she was smiling brightly as if the idea she suggested was a good one.

Ye Shuxin sighed. She bent down to Yanyan's level and patted her head, "Sweetie, taking care of them all is not easy."

"But mommy..."

"I'm sure that there are other people who wanted to adopt a pet too. Look, just like that old lady." She pointed at the old lady who just entered and was asking for assistance on adopting a dog.

Yanyan was looking at the old lady as well and when the old lady noticed that they were looking at her, she kindly smiled at them.

"Are you here to adopt too?" The old lady asked with a gentle voice.

Yanyan nodded and smiled back at her, "Yes! Yanyan wants to adopt everyone!"

The woman blinked a few times before she ended up smiling, "My, what a kindhearted girl you are."

"Is grandma here to adopt one?"

"Yes. In fact, I'm looking for a dog."

Ye Shuxin patted Yanyan's head and smiled, "See?"

Yanyan pouted, she looked at the caged animals, feeling pity to them.

While she was looking at them, one cat caught her attention.


Jin Mingze went out of the conference room after the meeting he just attended.

Since it ended earlier, he decided to go home early that day. Maybe it was because his instincts were telling him to do so.

When he arrived at his place, the first thing he noticed was the panicked look on the servants' faces.

"Where is Yan'er and Ye Shuxin?" He asked a maid.

The maid was looking at the ground and her hands were trembling a bit.

"T-That's..." She bit her lower quivering lip.

Jin Mingze narrowed his eyes. The temperature of the room dropped a hundred degrees and all the servants that were present felt like they were on top of Mt. Everest at that moment.

"Where are they?" His icy voice was enough to send shivers down their spines.


He turned towards the entrance of the place and saw Yanyan carrying a ginger kitten.

Ye Shuxin gulped nervously. Why was he home early?

Did he just arrive or was he already there since earlier?

She noticed how the servants trembled behind Jin Mingze. They all looked like scared puppies. They were that pitiful.

On the other hand, Haofan was standing behind Ye Shuxin as if using her a shield so that the master won't see him.

"Where did you go?" Jin Mingze asked as he carried his daughter in his arms.

"Mommy and Yanyan were playing in the garden and then, and then, we found a kitten!"

Yanyan's nose twitched when she lied and that was something Jin Mingze knew well.

Ye Shuxin already told Yanyan to keep what happened that day as a secret from her father so the child was only following what she said.

"Oh really?" He turned his gaze to Ye Shuxin and Haofan.

Ye Shuxin smiled, "Yup, of course, we were just playing in the garden."

He placed Yanyan down. He turned to the maid, "Bring her to her room."

He looked at the kitten. He didn't like cats but he knew that if ordered a servant to throw it away, Yanyan would definitely cry until she gets it back. "Give that kitten some milk."

"Let's go, young miss."

Yanyan turned to her mother, not leaving.

"Go, Yanyan. Ginger must be really hungry."

And so the young girl followed the maid.

"Leave us." Jin Mingze told the other servants as he sat on the sofa, crossing his long legs.

"You." He looked at Ye Shuxin blankly before his eyes traveled to Haofan, "And you."

They both ended up gulping together. They knew what was coming after that.

"Did you bring Yanyan outside?"

Haofan: "..."

Ye Shuxin: "..."



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