Let's continue

Jin Mingze raised a brow, and he stressed with vehemence and sharpness, "Are you saying that someone like you is worthy?"

Ye Shuxin tried her best to stop herself from laughing. She buried her face on his chest, her shoulders were trembling.

From another's view, it may look like she was crying but, her shoulders were just shaking because of her quiet laugh.

He looked at her and gently stroked her hair. "Is it her?" Jin Mingze inquired.

What was more startling to them all was the expression on the devil's face for that split second. His loving look was definitely a rare sight to everyone.

He always had a poker face even when facing the public. He was known for that.

With his question, Ye Shuxin acted pitifully again as she raised her head, looking at him with her tearful gaze, "Yes." She was like a child, informing her father of the mistreatment she received from others.

"You made my wife cry." He looked sharply at Nai Yuge which made her gulp.

"I-I-I..." Nai Yuge continued on stammering, she couldn't say a word because of the chilling glare that was directed to her.

He didn't say a thing after, instead, he turned to the policeman, "This is getting us nowhere. We should check the CCTV to clear my wife's name."

Ah...? Why was he still insisting on it?

Ye Shuxin ended up blinking her tears away. She was looking meaningfully at him only to be ignored.

The policeman nodded in agreement. "Let's go."

For some reason, Nai Yuge felt something wrong. She couldn't point a finger to it tho.


Upon reaching the surveillance room, a cold sweat rolled down Ye Shuxin's forehead as they scanned on the video from the beginning where Ye Shuxin arrived at the place.

Just like what she said, she came and approached Nai Yuge's group. Since they couldn't hear anything, they only saw them talking until she splashed her drink on Ye Shuxin and because of that it wasn't looking good in Nai Yuge's side.

"See? I was just greeting them..." Ye Shuxin cried, using the chance to turn the table against her.

"S-she started it! She provoked me!" Nai Yuge said in her defense when she felt Jin Mingze's cold glare.

"Let's continue." He said icily.

As they continued watching the video, they saw how Ye Shuxin was held by Mo Han and Cai Rouhang. Nai Yuge who was about to slap her was stopped by Lay Zhang and after that they left her.

In the next scene, they saw her enter the women's restroom and after a while, she went out and returned.

Ye Shuxin who was sitting on the side was approached by Zhu Yuehan. He got close to her and even touched her.

For some reason, the room became heavy as they watched that scene.

Ye Shuxin's instincts were telling her to run away but she couldn't move her feet because of the pressure coming from Jin Mingze.

They saw how Mo Han followed the two out and hid on the corner.

Zhu Yuehan kissed Ye Shuxin but was ended up being pushed away. It made it look like she was sexually harassed by him.

They looked like they argued but on the next second, they saw Ye Shuxin hugged him.

The policeman and Nai Yuge turned to look at her.

"See? She's a whore just like her mother." Nai Yuge snickered.

"N-no... Zhu Yuehan was threatening me! It was the only way I could think to escape the situation..." Ye Shuxin reasoned out. She held her husband's arm, "Darling, please believe me..."

He didn't look at her, he was just looking at the screen.

His silent treatment made her panic inside.

"Continue" His chilling voice was heard.

Nai Yuge smirked before she turned on the screen.

Everything happened the same and Ye Shuxin felt hopeless this time. Jin Mingze was digging her grave!

Although as they continued watching, her eyes widened when she saw what happened next on the screen.

Yes, she did leave Mo Han in the hallway when the medicine took effect on her body. She also went to the reception to get a room that was nearby the room Zhu Yuehan rented.

It was Zhu Yuehan who brought Mo Han to the room.

She didn't return to that hall but in the video she did. It made her look like she was looking for Mo Han.

Although the scene was familiar for Ye Shuxin. It was the scene where she followed Mo Han earlier but it wasn't obvious since everything was playing smoothly.

Aside from that, it wasn't showing that she headed to the room where Zhu Yuehan brought Mo Han. That part was cut.

Oh shit... could it be...

Ye Shuxin turned to Jin Mingze in surprise.

Someone tampered the video...

Was that the reason why he looked so confident earlier?

But... how? Who did it in such a short time? How did he... wait a minute... He was messaging someone earlier when they went out, right?

All this time... he was delaying it earlier just for this! How crafty!



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