They bullied me

Ye Shuxin turned and looked at Jin Mingze. He was not looking at her but instead, he was looking at his phone, typing something.

"You! It's your fault! You're the one who did this to Mo Han!" Nai Yuge went and raised her hand to Ye Shuxin as she was about to slap her but before she could give her a slap, her wrist was caught by Jin Mingze.

"Who gave you permission to raise a hand on my wife?"

The temperature around them suddenly dropped and everyone felt a chill, their bodies instinctively trembled. His expression was very cold. He was like an ice sculpture, excluding a tremendous pressure to everyone. No one dared to move or even make a sound, even Ye Shuxin.

She has already seen this side of him and she still couldn't get used to it.

A devil! A devil was standing before them!

The rumors about him were true! He definitely was a devil in human skin!

Nai Yuge flinched when Jin Mingze tightened his hold around her wrist. She felt like he was about to crush her bones! "I-it hurts."

Jin Mingze released her wrist and instead, he placed his arm around Ye Shuxin's waist.

What the fuck?! What wife?! Why was he announcing that when they agreed on keeping their marriage a secret?

The crowd who heard it was shocked by the devil's words.


"What wife?"

Who was he referring to?

The only person who Nai Yuge raised her hand against to was none other than… Ye Shuxin.

Everyone turned their heads towards Ye Shuxin in wonder.

"Wife? What do you mean wife?" Nai Yuge asked and was fainting ignorance even if she thought of Ye Shuxin, just like others did. She just didn't want to believe that the person Jin Mingze was pertaining to was her.

The policeman cleared his throat, "Mr. Jin, there's evidence that shows that it was your..." He paused and looked at Ye Shuxin, "...wife who was behind everything."

"She's not." He said as he turned his gaze to the policeman.

"But the photo was sent by her..." Nai Yuge said as she glared at Ye Shuxin.

"She lost her phone some time ago. Someone could have stolen it and used it to frame my wife." He explained as he looked at the policeman.

Ye Shuxin was surprised to see Jin Mingze siding with her. She looked at his calm face and a warm feeling started growing in her chest. She was quiet the whole time. She couldn't utter a single word because she was still in shock of what was happening before her.

She never thought that a quiet person like Jin Mingze was there to speak for her defense.

She has to play along!

"I don't know what they're talking about... h-how can they do this to me?" Ye Shuxin said in her defense.

"That's bullshit! It was her! She was the one who schemed all this!" Zhu Yuehan shouted when he heard Jin Mingze's words.

"Bitch! Don't lie! There's CCTV! I'm pretty sure it was her!" Cai Rouhang chimed in.

"Yes! We should check the CCTV!"

Ye Shuxin's face became pale. It was as if someone splashed cold water on her face. Even if Jin Mingze was there to side with her, it was no use if they found strong evidence against her.

"Then let's see it."

Jin Mingze's words shook Ye Shuxin's heart. Her heart slowly slipped into despair.

What was he doing? He was supposed to defend her!

When she looked at him again, his reaction seemed to be unusually calm.

He pulled her closer to him in a protective manner, and for some reason, her heart was telling her to trust him.

It was no use acting dumb on his words. Ye Shuxin has to play along to whatever kind of plan Jin Mingze has to save herself from that tight situation. She has to take advantage of what was currently happening.

"Darling…" Ye Shuxin called him intimately as she sobbed softly. Her eyes were already red since she cried earlier so it made her looked like she had suffered terribly. "T-they're framing me... How can they bully me like this?"

She sobbed and sniffled, "I just wanted to come here and get along with everyone… I was behaving myself... it was them who started it... Darling, they are so cruel! How can they frame me like this?"

The people who heard her words were all speechless. Well yeah, Nai Yuge was about to bully her earlier but before that, Ye Shuxin was the one who approached their group and started the fight.

One could not be that shameless, right?

"How…" Nai Yuge trailed off. She clenched her fists tight and mustered up her courage to speak, "How can she be your wife? Don't you know what kind of woman she is? A dirty woman like her is not worthy to be with you! She's a whore!"

Ah… Nai Yuge must be panicking since she didn't expect that a big shot like Jin Mingze ended up being used by someone like Ye Shuxin, right?



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