The real demons

After filling the bathtub with cold water, Jin Mingze carried her and brought her in the bathroom.

He tried his best to put up a straight face without looking much on her.

When Ye Shuxin felt the cold water against her body, she sighed in relief. "It feels so good."

On the other hand, Jin Mingze was having a hard time. The turmoil inside his body was growing when he caught a glimpse of Ye Shuxin's body.

He coughed and looked away, "I'll go out and get you a change of clothes. Call me if you need anything."

With that he hurriedly left the bathroom.

He looked at his bulging dragon and sighed. "Not tonight."

He took care of it and after cleaning himself up with a tissue, he took his phone out, messaging Qiu Landi, ordering him to bring a clean and new set of clothes for Ye Shuxin.

Since the bathroom door was open, he could see Ye Shuxin's faint figure.

"Don't stay long inside or else you'll catch a cold."


He took a magazine to distract himself from it. He stayed on the same page for a couple of minutes.

"Hey, Jin Mingze, can I ask you something?" Her soft voice was heard from the bathroom.

"Go on."

"Why are you here?"

His lips were stretched into a straight line when he heard her question.

He suddenly remembered the reason why he came there.

After seeing the result of the DNA test, he rushed to this place.

"I own this hotel." He reasoned out.


"It's my turn to ask you something." He said as he placed the magazine aside and looked at her faint figure.

Ye Shuxin suddenly became nervous. Was he going to ask her about what happened?

"Are you really 'Ye Shuxin'?"

Huh? What's with that question?

"Who else will I be if my name is not 'Ye Shuxin'? Your wife?" She frowned. Was he thinking about her again?

Can't he just give it a rest?

"Yes... my wife." He muttered, his eyes were covered by the fringe of his hair.

The result flashed in front of him.

Ye Shuxin is Yanyan's mother... She is definitely Chen Rui, right?

But for some reason, there were still doubts lingering inside of him.

Why can't she remember anything about them?

Why did she change so much?

How did she manage to escape such an accident?

Who saved her?

Why does she have Ye Shuxin's memories?

Is she really Chen Rui or... someone else?

No... no one could have possibly tampered on the results, right?

He was so bothered by it but the happiness he felt prevailed those doubt. Chen Rui... Chen Rui is alive. Ye Shuxin is Chen Rui. He badly wanted to believe it.


Ye Shuxin finally went out of the bathroom, feeling refreshed. She saw a new set of clothes for her on the bed but there was no Jin Mingze in sight.

Huh? Where did he go?

She shrugged, not caring much about it. She took the clothes and changed into them. By the time she was done, Jin Mingze came back, carrying a plastic bag with him. Inside of it was bottled water and medicine.

"Here, drink this medicine. It'll help you."

She blinked a few times, "So fast?"

"I made someone buy it for me."


Ye Shuxin took the bottled water and the medicine, drinking it.

"Let's go home."

The two left the room and by the time they reached the hotel's entrance, Ye Shuxin saw an ambulance and police cars outside.

Nai Yuge was reporting everything to the police that was standing in front of her and when she saw Ye Shuxin, her eyes flared up, "It's her! She's the one who's behind this!"

When Nai Yuge saw Jin Mingze behind, she thought that he was there since he finally caught Ye Shuxin.

Zhu Yuehan who was inside the police car glared at Ye Shuxin, "You used me!" He got arrested on the charge of sexual assault.

"I have proof! Here! Look! She's the one who sent this photo!" Nai Yuge hurriedly showed the photo to the police.

Ye Shuxin clenched her fists tightly in frustration since she didn't expect that they would still be there. Who would have thought that the police got involved in it?

If they investigate it, she was surely done for now especially with all of the evidence against her.

Villains are always bound to fail. Everyone knew that, even she knew that.

Her nails were pressed against her palms as she glared at Nai Yuge.

She only wanted to teach her group a lesson. They turned her into a monster, so how? How can they still have the upper hand?

They were the real demons. The demons who pushed someone normal like her into the edge. They were the demons who pushed her and turned her into the monster she was right now.

If in the end she was bound to go to prison, then so be it but before that happens, she planned on killing Nai Yuge right there and then. She hated her that much.

Ye Shuxin was about to take a step forward but she was held back when someone grabbed her hand.



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