The only person who can kill me is you.

Ye Shuxin had a hard time going back to sleep. She slumped on Jin Mingze, resting her head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

Hearing how constant his heart was beating was enough to calm her down.

Yes, he's alive. Jin Mingze's alive. She didn't kill him.

He continued stroking her hair and was patiently staying awake for her.

"What did you dream about?" He asked curiously.

She nuzzled her face to the crook of his neck this time, just like a kitten finding comfort in its mother's warmth.

"I woke up... and I was holding a knife. You were covered with blood." She whimpered when she remembered that part. She looked at him, her face filled with panic, "B-but I didn't do it! It wasn't me!"

Jin Mingze leaned and kissed her forehead lightly, "It wasn't you. And besides, I'm not the type of person who can easily be killed by anyone."


"Except if it's you. The only person who can kill me is you."

Tears brimmed on her eyes when he said that, "T-Then... I... I..."

He gently smiled at her as he wiped the tears that formed at the side of her eyes. "Don't cry."


He chuckled lightly, "It was just a dream, remember?" He kissed her temple this time, "What happened next?"

Ye Shuxin pouted. She was sure that it wasn't her who killed him. No matter how bad she was, she couldn't kill a person without having a deep hatred for him or her.

On the other hand, if it was Nai Yuge, surely she could kill her without blinking once. That was the difference between her and him.

Should she tell him? Tell him that she saw Chen Rui? And... it was Chen Rui who killed him?

Well, that was something true. When Chen Rui died, didn't it kill a part of him? His heart?

If not for Yanyan, Jin Mingze might have turned into a heartless person.

He was opening up to her now so she hesitated whether or not to tell him about that part of her dream.


"And then, the scenery changed." She decided to leave out the part where she saw Chen Rui's ghost.

"I was in a car and then, an accident happened after that I woke up."

Jin Mingze's pupils dilated when he heard those words.

Could it be possible?

Was she starting to remember her past in the form of a dream?

She said that she was in a car, not on a bus. According to the report, Ye Shuxin was riding a bus during that time so why was she in a car even if it was just a dream?

"Is that all?" He asked, looking at her.

She pursed her lips and closed her eyes, "Yes... that's all."

"I see." He caressed her cheek, "It's late... You should go back to sleep."

"But... what if I dreamed of it again?"

"Then I'll wake you up."


"Yes, I promise."

With that, Ye Shuxin tried to fall asleep again. She was really sleepy and tired so it wasn't long before she fell asleep.

On the other hand, Jin Mingze was staring at the ceiling, as if thinking carefully about what to do next.


Later that morning, while the couple was sleeping, the room's door opened and someone entered.

Hearing the light footsteps on the floor made Jin Mingze wake up from his sleep.

He pretended to sleep as if waiting patiently for the prey to approach.

"It's not fair... Mommy and Daddy are sleeping together without Yanyan."

When Jin Mingze heard his daughter's soft mumble, he sighed in relief and his guards instantly went down.

The little girl climbed up the bed and was struggling to insert herself in between her parents.

Jin Mingze didn't budge tho. He wanted to hug his wife close. After being separated from her for so long, that moment was too meaningful to him that he was not willing to share it with his daughter.

"Daddy, moooove!" She tried to. push her father away from her mother to no avail. He was too strong for her.

Yanyan puffed out her cheeks and crossed her arms, her eyes filled with envy as she watched her parents hug each other.

"Yanyan wants a hug too!" She held her father's arm and tried moving it away from her mother.



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