It's mommy's favorite too?

Ye Shuxin woke up when she felt Yanyan, struggling to insert herself between.

She squinted her eyes open, her lips curled up into a smile, "Baby..."

Ye Shuxin moved away, giving some space in between.

"Mommy~" Yanyan smiled happily as she went and lied down in between. After that, she hugged her mother close.

Her mother hugged her back and nuzzled her face which made the girl giggle.

Jin Mingze opened his eyes and smiled when he saw the scene before him.

Oh well, this doesn't seem bad at all.

"Should I make breakfast for you today?" Ye Shuxin asked after kissing Yanyan's forehead.


"Then I'll prepare our favorite. Pancakes with strawberry ice cream on top, right?"

Yanyan gasped, "It's mommy's favorite too?"

Jin Mingze was surprised as well. That food was indeed Chen Rui's favorite snack. When she was still there, she would prepare some for Yanyan too until it became their daughter's favorite.

Did she remember?

Ye Shuxin noticed what she said which made her look at Jin Mingze, "What?"

"How did you know that it's Yanyan's favorite?"

Ye Shuxin pursed her lips, "Don't children like pancakes with ice cream? I just thought that she might also like it."

"How about you? You said that it's your favorite." He inquired

She tilted her head to the side, "Am I not allowed to like it? I like sweets."

"I see." Jin Mingze decided not to question her any further but instead, he decided to observe her closely.

This time, he was sure that she's Chen Rui. He thought that maybe, her memories were starting to return little by little that she was starting to do and say things by reflex.

"Let's go, mommy!" Yanyan sat up and grinned.

Ye Shuxin smiled at her, she looked at Jin Mingze without saying anything before she got off the bed and went out of the room with Yanyan.


After having their breakfast together, Jin Mingze went and prepared for work. Just before he was about to leave, Ye Shuxin went to him with Yanyan following behind.

"Can I take Yanyan out?" She carefully asked. This time she wanted to ask his permission since they would be taking their time outside.

He raised a brow at her question. Just before he could say something out, he was interrupted by a small voice.


When he looked down, he saw Yanyan, hiding behind her mother, looking up to him from her back.

He heaved out a helpless sigh, "And where do you plan on going?"

"The mall."


The mother and daughter said at the same time to which they ended up looking at each other.

"Mommy, we're going to the zoo."

"Let's pass by the mall first, okay?"

Once again, they said at the same time.

He ended up chuckling at the two, "Alright."

The two girls looked at him with sparkling eyes. "Really?!"

"Yes. But you're not going alone."

"We'll take Haofan with us. " Ye Shuxin said to which Yanyan nodded frantically, agreeing to her mother.


His wife pouted, "But-"

"I'm coming with you." He wasn't able to come with them back then so this time, he was not going to miss a family time with them.

"You have work."

"I only have to attend a meeting. After that, we can go to the places you both want."

"Yay! Daddy is coming!" Yanyan went and hugged her father's leg.

It has been so long since she went out with her father so the girl was excited.

Jin Mingze smiled and patted his daughter's head, "I'll come and pick you two up before lunch."


Jin Mingze didn't have a meeting that day. He didn't have anything set on his schedule. The only reason why he was leaving that morning was because he was going to visit someone. She was the person who he has always wanted to meet.

He was hoping that she was going to have the answers to his questions. If not, then he didn't have a choice but to continue searching for those answers concerning his wife.

Qiu Landi has already set an arrangement for it when he received an order from him.

Arriving at Liu's company building, Jin Mingze was directly brought to that person's office.

The woman stood up and shook Jin Mingze hand when she saw him. "It's an honor to meet you, Mr. Jin."

"Likewise, Ms. Ye."



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