Don't call me

"Ye Shuxin married you?" Ye Fanfan blinked a few times in surprise.

"Yes, she is now my wife." Jin Mingze said, sitting on the couch.

Ye Fanfan frowned, "That girl, she hasn't even told me anything about it."

She sighed heavily, "Is that why you're here?"

"Yes." He smoothly lied. "I also have another reason why I'm here."

"And that is?"

"About the accident she had a year ago." He frankly said.

Ye Fanfan was surprised when she heard him said that.

"She has been having headaches lately." He said, lying once again. "So I looked into it."

Ye Fanfan was looking at him for a while. When she heard his words, instead of panicking, she remained calm.

"I see." She rested her chin on her palm. "Yes, she did have an accident. She had temporary amnesia that stayed for a week but later on, she got her memories back."

"Has she been acting strangely when she got her memories back?"

"Acting strangely?" Ye Fanfan blinked a few times in confusion, "No, she has always been the same, a wild girl. Even when she had amnesia, she was still a wild girl with no memories."

Jin Mingze was quietly looking at her. It was hard to tell whether she was saying the truth or not since Ye Fanfan was controlling her expressions well.


After changing their clothes, Ye Shuxin and Yanyan waited for Jin Mingze in the living room.

Yanyan was busy looking at the picture books while her mother was looking at something on her phone and while she was doing so, her phone started ringing, it was a call from an unknown number.

"Is it daddy?" Yanyan asked as she turned to her mother.

"No, it's just mommy's friend." She smiled at her before she turned to look at the number again, this time her eyes void of emotions.

"Why is mommy not answering? Is that person one of the friends who hates mommy?"

Ye Shuxin chuckled, "Not really. It's actually the opposite."

"A friend who likes mommy?"

"Yes, you can say that." She smiled at her.

The call ended without Ye Shuxin answering the call but it didn't end there since that person tried calling her again.

This time she ended the call and instead, she messaged him, [Don't call me.]

She received a reply shortly after she sent it. [Why not? Don't you miss me?]

This time, instead of replying, she deleted the message and blocked that person.

"Mommy, mommy, why does the Evil Queen hate Snow White?" Yanyan asked as she held the picture book and got up. She went to her mother and placed it on her lap for her to see the picture of the Evil Queen, giving the poisoned apple to Snow White.

Ye Shuxin smiled as she turned to her, the coldness she has in her eyes disappeared. "She's just jealous."


"Yes, Snow White is more beautiful than her."

"But she is Snow White's mommy, right?"

Ye Shuxin chuckled a bit. She reached out and patted the little girl's head, "You see princess, in this world, not all parents love their children."

Yanyan was suddenly confused with what she said, "What? Why?"

"Cause some are fake, some are robbers, some are murderers, some are victims and some are monsters."

Of course, it was too much to take in for someone as young as Yanyan. She only understood those words but not the meaning behind them.

"Does mommy love Yanyan?"

Ye Shuxin's eyes were filled with mixed emotions when Yanyan asked the question.

"Yes... Of course I do. " She leaned down to her daughter's level so that she could kiss her forehead.

Yanyan smiled happily at how warm her mother's kiss was. When she pulled away, she looked at her with a grin, "How about Yanyan's real mommy?"

"Your real mommy..." Ye Shuxin's smile became stiff.

"She probably hated you..." She mumbled under her breath.

Yanyan tilted her head to the side since she was not able to hear her latter words.

"There's still ice cream in the kitchen, right? Let's go eat some!" Ye Shuxin quickly changed the topic, not really wanting to talk about Chen Rui ever since she had that nightmare.

She jumped in excitement, "Yes! Yes! Ice cream! Yanyan wants strawberry ice cream, mommy!"



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