
While Ye Shuxin and Yanyan were enjoying the ice cream they were eating, her phone started ringing again.

When she looked at it, it was a call from another unknown number.

Ye Shuxin didn't have to think twice about who it was since there was only one person she knew who would keep in calling by using different phone numbers. It was none other than that annoying man.

"Mommy, I think you should answer it," Yanyan said before she took another scoop from the ice cream.

"Should I?" Ye Shuxin asked.

Yanyan nodded, "You should, mommy. What if it's important?"


Ye Shuxin sighed in defeat, "Will you excuse me for a moment, baby?"

"Sure, mommy." Yanyan grinned before she continued eating the ice cream.

Ye Shuxin smiled as she watched how lively her daughter was. She reached out and patted her head before she turned to Haofan who was there, guarding them, "Watch over Yanyan."

"Yes, Madam."

With that, she left the dining room. She wasn't in a hurry in answering the call. It kept on ringing until it ended but after a few seconds, it started ringing again, the call was from the same person.

The servants who saw her bowed and greeted her with respect as she passed by them. After that, they continued doing their jobs.

Ye Shuxin was being careful since she didn't want the servants to eavesdrop when she answers the call so she went to a place where she was sure that no one will dare come.

There was one room, a room where no one dared to enter except Jin Mingze.

She walked around the place as if knowing where she was going. Not long, she arrived at the room. She looked around and when she saw that there were no servants in sight, she tried to enter that room.

Since it was locked, she used her hairpin and picklock it. She looked around again before she entered that room and closed the door behind her, locking it in the process.

She looked at the room before, it was the same as ever except that... the things in the room were covered with white clothes. Aside from that, it was dusty.

It was her old room, the room that she would use before she got together with Jin Mingze.

The only sound in that room was her phone's ringtone.

She entered the bathroom and locked the door before she finally answered the call.

"What took you so long?" A man's voice was heard from the other line, the playfulness in his voice evident.

"Why are you calling me, Cai Sijian?" She asked, speaking coldly against him.

"After I helped you, you're treating me this way now? How mean."

Her brows were knitted together as she frowned deeply, "I told you not to call me."

"You did, but here I am, calling you again." He chuckled playfully. "I'm here to remind you that you should be careful from now on. You can't let them find out that you're alive. Do you want them to find out that you're actually alive, Chen Rui?"

She gritted her teeth upon hearing that name, "Don't call me that."

"Oh come on now, it's not like someone will hear me here." Another chuckle was heard. "Except for my dog."

"What do you want?"

"I don't really have anything I want as of this moment."

"Then why did you call?"

"You know the reason, Chen Rui. I'm here to monitor your moves." The man said, this time, the seriousness in his voice was heard. "You have already taken the identity of Ye Shuxin, you should have used that to go someplace far but instead... You went back to him. I truly cannot understand why you keep coming back to him."

Chen Rui thought of the same too. After all this time, she ended up meeting Jin Mingze. With and without her memories and once again, she had ended up falling for him instead of hating him.

Most of the things she did up to this day were just an act... An act to deceive everyone around her, including herself.



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