They make me mad

Chen Rui was looking at her daughter then to the boy before turning to the boy's mother, "It's alright... Come Yanyan, let's clean you up."

"No! He should say sorry first!"

"No way! You should say sorry first!"

Chen Rui and the boy's mother stared at each other with a helpless look in their eyes.

"Alright, why don't you both say sorry at the same time." Chen Rui suggested.

"I agree." The boy's mother said.



Yanyan and the boy pouted as they looked at each other.

She pursed her lips deeply before sighing in defeat, "Fine! Yanyan is sorry."

"Hanyu, it's your turn to apologize." The boy's mother said.

He pouted, looking at his mother as if asking, 'why should I apologize too?'

"Xie Hanyu."

The boy name Xie Hanyu pouted, "I'm sorry."

"It's okay. It was an accident." Yanyan said before turning to her mother, "When we say something nice, even when we don't mean it at all, that's called being polite, right?"

Chen Rui: "..."

Xie Hanyu's mother: "..."

Jin Mingze cleared his throat, "Come now, let's get you clean up."

"Yanyan wants a new dress!"

Chen Rui turned to the woman and slightly bowed before she walked away with her family.

As Chen Rui accompanied Yanyan to the restroom, Jin Mingze went and bought a new dress for Yanyan. The dress he bought has a lion print on it.

"It's a lion!" Yanyan happily smiled when she saw the dress.

"Yes, it is." Chen Rui chuckled as she helped her wore the dress before she turned and placed her old dress on a plastic.

"That boy was cute you know." Chen Rui smiled as she turned to her daughter and styled her hair into twin buns. "Someday, you'll have feelings for boys, you know."

"Yanyan has already feelings for them, mommy."


"They make me mad."

"..." This child...

Chen Rui cleared her throat, "A-Anyway, your father is waiting outside, let's go."


After roaming around the zoo, Yanyan instantly fell asleep the moment she sat on the car's seat. She has used all her energy in greeting the animals in the zoo. She was hugging a Hippo plushie as she slept peacefully at the back.

Chen Rui was sitting at the back as Yanyan used her lap as a pillow.

"You know, it's a good move, putting a tracker on Yanyan." She said softly as she looked at Jin Mingze who was driving.

"I can't allow her to get in trouble after all."

"By the way, I think it's about time for Yanyan to go to school." Chen Rui said as she looked at her daughter. "She needs to have friends and interact with children her age."

"It can be dangerous."

"Then send your men to watch over her in disguise." She suggested. "Once Yanyan grows old, she might turn into a rebellious kid if you keep on spoiling and hiding her away from others."

"I'll think about it."

"Yes, you really should."

Upon arriving at their place, Jin Mingze carried his sleeping daughter in his arms and brought her to her room.

Chen Rui watched him from the door.

It's time. It's time for her to tell him the truth. She was afraid and nervous tho. What if Jin Mingze lashed out on her after learning that she has been lying to him all the time?

What if he suddenly decided to lock her away once he learned that she was actually the woman who almost killed the past?

What should she do?

When she imagined the things that might happen after she confessed the truth to him, her chest tightened. It was as if someone was twisting her heart when she thought he might end up hating her instead.

She was already loving him.

Should she really tell him or should she continue keeping it?

What should she do? The thought of Jin Mingze hating her was killing her inside.

"Are you alright?" Jin Mingze asked as he turned to his wife who was looking so pale.

"I'm... fine.

"Are you sure?" He asked worriedly.


"You might have been tired after walking around today, you should get some rest too."


Jin Mingze furrowed his brows, "Are you sure you're alright?"

She finally turned her gaze to him. She reached out and held his hand, "Let's not talk here."

She turned away and dragged him out of Yanyan's room. He didn't stop her, he obediently followed her.

Instead of heading to his office, she brought him to her old room.

"Jin Mingze, do you remember how we first met?"



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