You're back!

Twenty years ago...

Chen Rui's mother died in an accident together with her younger sister who was still a baby. Not long, her father, Chen Luizhi remarried after his wife passed away.

Her new mother, Tang Xue, and her daughter, Tang Yurou may have acted kind whenever they were in Chen Luizhi's presence but whenever he was not at home, they would usually abuse her.

Later on, when Chen Rui reached high school, she found out the truth about her mother's death by overhearing Tang Xue's conversation.

"Yes, I'll keep in touch." Tang Xue said on her phone. "I'll take care of the child she left. I'll remove her out of the picture and bring you here."

Chen Rui was hiding behind a tree. They were currently in the garden. She followed Tang Xue when she saw her acting strangely.

"Killing that bitch was easy so how much more her child? If she didn't saw me with her husband, she could have lived a few more days."

Chen Rui was surprised by the words she said. Did that mean that... her mother was murdered by someone instead of dying in an accident?

Her mother died after finding out that Chen Luizhi was cheating on her which led to that accident. Aside from that, all this time, she learned that her father was actually just turning a blind eye whenever her stepmother and stepsister abused her.

Since she didn't have anyone on her side in that family, Chen Rui decided to leave and during that same year she left, she was able to meet Cai Sijian when he saved her from a group of thugs who were sent by Tang Xue.

"Are you alright?" Cai Sijian asked as he looked at Chen Rui who was shivering like a scared kitten on the corner.

She was almost raped by those men so of course, she was not alright. She was covering her chest with her arm, her eyes were filled with tears. "T... thank you for saving me..."

Cai Sijian felt sorry for her when he saw her small figure, trembling. He took off his coat and placed it on her shoulders.

"Come, I'll bring you to the hospital." He said as he helped her get up. "Give me your parents' number, I'll call them-"

"No!" She quickly said in a panic. "Y-You can't call them!"

Cai Sijian furrowed his brow, "Are you sure?"

She nodded her head vigorously, "I-I can't go back... that woman... that woman will kill me... I can't go back... please don't take me back." She pleaded as she clenched on his shirt.

Cai Sijian didn't want to get involved with her but he was not the type of person to leave a weak woman in that dark alley alone. He sighed in defeat, "Fine. I won't call them."

Ever since he saved her, she started following him around. He was her savior and she thought that by staying close to him, she would be able to escape the people that were sent by her stepmother.

Later on, they became friends and she joined the group he belonged in, the Bloodmoon. He helped her escape the men that were after her by bringing her to another country.

The group she joined taught her so many things and since then, she became one of their rising rookie assassins, 'Silver Fox'.

When she entered college in London and from there, she became friends with Jin Lisa in their last year. Later that year, she went back to China with Jin Lisa. She lived in an apartment and when Jin Lisa's birthday came, she was introduced to Jin Mingze and his parents.

"Thank you for coming, Xiao Rui!" Jin Lisa said as she hugged her.

"Of course I'm not going to miss the birthday of my best friend." Chen Rui smiled happily, hugging Jin Lisa back.

"By the way, let me introduce you to my brother, Jin Mingze." Jin Lisa said as she leaned back from the hug. She turned to her brother and smiled, "Gege, meet my best friend, Chen Rui."

Jin Mingze had a blank look on his face when he looked at Chen Rui. He just gave her a nod in acknowledgment to which Chen Rui nodded back in response.

Jin Lisa did tell her that her brother was a man of few words so she didn't bother talking to him unlike the other women around them.

"Mom, meet my best friend, Chen Rui."

"It's nice to finally meet you, sweetheart. Lisa here kept on talking about you." Han Meili said with a smile as she gave her a hug.

Chen Rui smiled shyly and hugged her back, "I hope they're all good things."

Han Meili chuckled, "Of course they are. She never said anything bad about you. Thank you for taking care of my daughter."

She blushed shyly since Jin Lisa's mother was so sweet.

Ever since her husband died, Han Meili has been traveling around the world. This time, she came back since it was her twins' birthday.

Later that party, someone saw her and it was Tang Yurou. It so happened that the Chen family was one of the guests that the Jin family invited.

"Chen Rui?" Tang Yurou fainted a gasp. "Oh my! It's been so long since I've seen you!"

She walked towards her and stood in front of her. "Mom and dad are so worried ever since you left, you know."

Chen Rui wanted to roll her eyes since she knew that she was lying. As if they would miss her but during her stay in Bloodmoon, she learned how to hide her real feelings from others so instead of showing how annoyed she was in seeing her again, Chen Rui smiled.

"It's nice to see you again, dear sister."

Tang Yurou scoffed upon hearing the word 'sister' from her lips.

Chen Rui turned her gaze to where their parents were, "Looks like mom and dad are enjoying the night. I should go and greet them. I don't want to be a rude daughter after all."

"W-wait!" Tang Yurou reached out to grab her hand but failed when she evaded her and continued walking towards their parents instead.

"Dad, stepmom." Chen Rui called.

The couple turned their heads to Chen Rui and saw her smiling sweetly at them. They were surprised to see her there.

"C-Chen Rui?" Tang Xue's face became pale upon seeing her.

On the other hand, Chen Luizhi's face seemed to brighten up when he saw her. She was still the daughter of the first woman he loved and after she left, he regretted turning a blind eye on the abuse Tang Xue was giving her. He gave her a good scolding after learning that Chen Rui left.

Chen Rui was still the sole heir to the company since Tang Yurou wasn't his real daughter.

"Xiao Rui! You're back!" Out of delight, Chen Luizhi gave her a hug.

"Dad, it's good to see you again." She hugged him back.

"I've been looking for you all these years! Where have you been?"

"I went and studied abroad." She smoothly lied.

Meanwhile, Tang Xue and Tang Yurou's looks on their faces were the opposite of how happy Chen Luizhi was on seeing his real daughter.

Chen Luizhi was supposed to give the company to Tang Yurou but now that Chen Rui appeared, a threat appeared for them.

"Abroad? You didn't even call me even once!"

"I'm sorry dad. I was busy." She reasoned out.

When Chen Rui noticed the looks on her stepmother and stepsister's faces, she smirked inwardly and understood something.

"Why are you here?"

"Jin Lisa is my friend, it's only normal for me to attend her birthday, right?" Chen Rui said with a smile, ignoring the mother and daughter duo.

"She's your friend?" Tang Yurou frowned. "You must be lying."

"Why should I lie something about that? She's also my classmate so it's only normal if we became friends, right?"

"Good! Good! Befriending Jin Lisa is good!" Chen Luizhi said with a grin. "How about Jin Mingze?"

"My boyfriend." Chen Rui said, lying.

Tang Yurou glared at her, "Boyfriend?! How can that be? He's my fiance!"



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