Arranged Marriage

"Sister? What do you mean sister?" Chen Rui asked in confusion.

"Chen Yuyan." Ou Yuan said as he sat on the sofa again. "The baby who everyone thought died with your mother."

Chen Rui furrowed her brows, "That can't be..."

"Don't you want to know what really happened to your mother and sister?" Ou Yuan asked as he looked at her.

"They... they were killed together with my sister."

"Yes. She was killed. Killed by the men Tang Xue sent. She was only able to save your sister but not herself. I decided to look into it for my precious student."

Her sister didn't die?

The news obviously shocked her. She has always thought that they were both killed.

"H-how... how did you find out that my sister is alive?"

"A friend of mine brought took her in." Ou Yuan said, "I'm a pediatrician remember? Also... that kinda looked like you so I decided to check on it. Your sister goes by the name Ye Shuxin this time."

"Ye Shuxin?"

Her sister is alive? Her REAL baby sister is alive! The joy she felt inside grew like fireworks.

"Do you want to see her tomorrow?"


They visited Ye Shuxin who was in her last year of elementary grade school.

When Chen Rui saw her, she didn't doubt her eyes. Aside from looking almost the same, she could see her own mother on her.

The young Ye Shuxin was smiling brightly while she was playing with her friends in the playground.

"She's going to graduate next month, right?" She asked.


Chen Rui turned to Ou Yuan and smiled happily, "Then I should attend it and introduce myself to her!"

Ou Yuan's face turned serious when she said those words, "Are you sure about that? Don't you want her to live peacefully like this instead? If you introduced yourself to her, she'll be exposed to others. Your father will know about her and so will Tang Xue and your other enemies."

"I can protect her."

"For how long?" He turned his gaze to Ye Shuxin. "Look at how happy she is. Entering her life right now will only ruin her life. There are times where the best move to take in life is to hide from the ones you love so that you can protect them better. Chen Rui, it's not time."

And because of these words, Ou Yuan managed to convince her not to show herself.


Since Jin Lisa has been inviting Chen Rui in her place, she would usually see Jin Mingze from time to time but it was just that. They never really had a long conversation after that birthday night. They never talked again even during her stay in that place.

During that time Chen Yuizhi called her, wanting her to go back so that she could take over the company. At the same time, her father decided to let her have the arrange marriage with Jin Mingze instead of Tang Yurou.

"This is really surprising." Chen Rui said with a soft smile plastered on her lips.

"Indeed it is." Jin Mingze replied, a small smile on his lips. He seemed to pleased to know that the person he was going to marry was her.

They were currently in a restaurant since they both have scheduled on meeting their fiancee.

"I'm not going to lie to you. To be honest, I like you as a person, Jin Mingze. So I don't really mind being engaged with you." She elegantly took her knife and fork before slicing the steak into small pieces.

"So do I."

"It's nice to know that we have the same view with each other."


And just like other times, their conversation was short.

"Then let's get things straight, when should we schedule our wedding?" She grinned at him.

He raised an amused brow, "When do you want it to be?"

"As soon as possible?" She shrugged. She didn't mind marrying him. Jin Mingze has a big reputation in the business world so if she wanted to kick Tang Xue and Tang Yurou out of her way, she would need to have the upper hand. They were still protected by her father and an unknown force after all.

Aside from that, she didn't have feelings for Jin Mingze so divorcing him after getting what she wants was going to be easy all she has to do was to be a good wife and behave in front of him.



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