You have to save her

Before the day of their wedding, Chen Rui received a message from the Bloodmoon association concerning a mission. The mission was about killing Jin Mingze.

Of course, she was surprised by it. She has never thought of killing him even if they weren't close.

If she rejected the mission, someone else would be taking it from her so she really didn't know what to do. Jin Mingze was her best friend's brother so, in the end, she couldn't bring herself to kill him.

She decided to continue on with the wedding. Since she needed Jin Mingze to be alive, she decided to reject the mission. If someone was going to come after him then she would just discuss things with whoever that person was.

They never shared a bed and instead, they slept in different rooms during their first week of being a married couple.

Jin Mingze never touched her without her permission until one night, he came home, drunk and because of that, he entered her room and slept with her.

Chen Rui wasn't totally against it. She could have easily pushed him away since he was drunk but if she was to start a good relationship with him, then sleeping with him wasn't a bad idea.

Jin Mingze woke up later that morning with a headache and the first thing he saw was Chen Rui's beautiful sleeping face.

He was taken aback when he saw how close her face was to his.

It wasn't long before he found out that they were both naked on the bed and that he has taken her first because of the bloodstain on the bedsheets.

That obviously shocked him. Did he enter her room without permission?

Just before he could get up and escape, a soft groan was heard from Chen Rui. She moved and snuggled close against his body's warmth. She even wrapped her arms around him as she whispered sleepily, "Don't go..."

He felt his heart race at the contact of their bodies. She was like an adorable kitten right now that he couldn't stop himself from hugging her back.

When he thought about the fact that he entered her room and slept with her without permission, he felt guilty about it. "Last night-"

"It's okay... Don't apologize." She interrupted as she nuzzled her face on his chest. "You're my husband."

His eyes softened at her words. He reached out and gently stroked her hair.

She raised her head up to look at him with her sleepy gaze, "I'm hungry."

"Do you want to have breakfast here?"

"Can we?"

"Of course." He gently kissed her forehead.

"I want to have a bath first. Carry me?"

He chuckled softly, "Okay."

Since then, the two started sharing a room together, and not long, Chen Rui found out that she became pregnant after that night.

When she told him about that news, it was the first time she saw him smile so happily to the point where he carried her and twirled her around.

Although in that same day, she received a call from Ou Yuan.

"Chen Rui..." His voice sounded heavy.

Chen Rui noticed that change, "Master? What's wrong?"

"Little Flower has been captured."

"Huh?" Chen Rui frowned in confusion.

"She's been captured." He repeated. "I need your help."

Chen Rui was taken aback at the words she heard from him. Ou Yuan has two students, they were Chen Rui and Little Flower.

Little Flower was Chen Rui's senior. She was like an elder sister to her so hearing her death from their master was something shocking for her.

"W-what? How can that be?" Little Flower's fighting skills were considered at the same level as an S-class mercenary so it was hard to believe that she was captured.

"She took on the mission to assassinate Jin Mingze but failed. Your husband has her, Chen Rui. I need you to save her if you don't want me to kill him."

Jin Mingze was able to capture Little Flower?

She couldn't believe her ears. Did Jin Mingze have someone his side that was on par with Little Flower?

Aside from that... why did she not hear anything about this from Jin Mingze?

Whenever he was at home, he was just like his usual quiet self. She didn't notice anything strange.

"You have to save her, Chen Rui."

"I will."

Chen Rui knew that Ou Yuan was just doing her a favor since he knew that she married Jin Mingze. If he was the one who went, Jin Mingze's death was sure.



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