Jin Yan

After saving Little Flower, she brought her to Ou Yuan's place to be treated.

"You should have stabbed him one more time to make sure that he won't live." Little Flower said, looking at Chen Rui.

Chen Rui's hand was still trembling a bit when she remembered that she stabbed him and Ou Yuan noticed it. "You should go."

Despite hearing that, she was afraid to see his body. Yes, she hated him for capturing and torturing Little Flower but for some reason, she felt a strange feeling growing in her chest, suffocating her when she thought about what happened.

"Make sure he's dead." Little Flower said in disdain to which she ended up receiving a scolding gaze from Ou Yuan.


"He's her husband."

"So what?" She huffed. "He deserves to die!"

"Wang Jiaqi." Ou Yuan narrowed his eyes at her which made her shut her mouth.

He turned back to Chen Rui, this time, his gaze softened, "Go."


"It's in your hands. If you want to kill him then go on. If you want to save him, then do so."

"But the Association..."

"I'll handle them."

Chen Rui felt so grateful at her master's kind words. She stood up and hugged him.

Ou Yuan hugged her back, even patting her head lightly before releasing her.

She pulled away and turned to Little Flower, "Senior Sister..."

"I'm still going to kill him if he comes and crosses my path."

Chen Rui bowed deeply before she turned and left the place.


Arriving at the hospital, Chen Rui rushed to the room where he was taken after surgery.

The doctor has told her that he was out of danger and she was relieved when she heard that news.

She was currently sitting on the side of the bed where Jin Mingze was lying down, unconscious.

She reached out and held his hand, "I'm sorry..." She whispered softly. "I'm so sorry..."

Tears flowed down her cheeks as she kept on apologizing. She couldn't understand why she was crying, why she was feeling so bad.

She wanted to hate him. If she hated him, it was easier to move on and kill him but she couldn't bring herself to do that to him.

She kept on visiting Jin Mingze in the hospital since he was in a coma for two weeks.

"How are you feeling?" Chen Rui asked softly.

Jin Mingze woke up a few hours ago in the middle of the night.

She had to rush to his side when she received a call from one of his secretary.


"Then I'll go get you some food." She stood up and was about to leave but was stopped when he grabbed on her hand.

"Stay here... order someone to do it."

"Oh... Okay."

He released her hand and watched her take her phone out.

After Chen Rui ordered. she sat back on her seat and held his hand.

They were both quiet for a while. No one dared to seal first. Chen Rui didn't know where to start or what to talk about.

This time, Jin Mingze was the first person who spoke up, "How's our baby?"

"She's fine."


"The doctor said that we're going to have a girl." She looked at him and smiled a bit.

A small smile appeared on his lips, "A girl huh..."

"While you were asleep, I was thinking of names for her."

"Have you decided on one?"

"Yes." She softly said. "I want her to live a life full of happiness liveliness... so... Jin Yan. Yan as in Joy." She gently placed her free hand on her growing tummy. "Xiao Yan."

His eyes softened when he heard her suggestion. He gave her hand a slight squeeze, "It's a beautiful name."

"You think so?" She looked at him with a gentle smile.


"Thank you..."

This time, the silence that surrounded them was now filled with warmth, unlike the tension they had earlier.

When Qiu Landi arrived with the food, Chen Rui took it and fed it to her husband.

Since that day, Chen Rui would usually take care of her husband until the day he was discharged from the hospital.

She tried to maintain her distance from him in a not so obvious way. Despite getting along with each other, it was as if there was still a wall between them.



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