Believe what you want to believe

Chen Rui has always thought that Jin Mingze didn't know that she was actually the one who tried to kill him after all, she was still wearing a face mask even after her fox mask was taken off.

While Chen Rui was pregnant with Yanyan, her pregnancy restricted her movements. She couldn't take on missions and her plans against Tang Xue were postponed.

Maybe it was because of her frustration that she started hating the child inside her.

She wanted to have her revenge against the person who killed her mother but Jin Mingze was carefully taking care of her to the point where he would always have his men guard her 24/7.

The happiness she felt while carrying her daughter faded. She felt suffocated, being imprisoned in their house and watched by Jin Mingze's men.

The reason behind that was all because of Zhang Ke, the woman who almost made Chen Rui miscarried her child.

They met in a Mall and as girls, they had an argument over buying a bag. It happened so fast, Zhang Ke released the bag which made Chen Rui stumble back and almost fell. If not for the saleswoman standing behind her, she would have already fallen on the ground and have a miscarriage.

Zhang Ke was the daughter of one of the business tycoons in the industry so after Jin Mingze learned about it, he went against the Zhang Company and made them go bankrupt.

Jin Mingze became strict ever since he learned what happened.

When Yanyan came into the world, she was probably the reason why a crack appeared in the wall Chen Rui build-up to distance herself from Jin Mingze.

She even felt guilty of hating her own child while she was in her womb.

He was still his usual self, quiet and busy with work but whenever he was at home, he would accompany his wife and daughter, watch them sleep whenever he came home late.

Their relationship never got better though, especially when another misunderstanding came in between them.

"Who's that man?" Jin Mingze asked, looking blankly at his wife.

"Man?" She frowned a bit.

He threw the photos in front of her. The photos were filled with Cai Sijian and Chen Rui.

Cai Sijian was Chen Rui's close friend so it was only normal for her to meet him whenever she was out.

"He's my friend."

He frowned deeply, "Friend?"

Chen Rui noticed that the photos were all taken from wrong angles. She was hugging him. At one angle, it looked like she was kissing him.

"Who sent you these photos?"

"Does it matter who sent these photos to me?"

Their marriage wasn't publicized. Only their families knew about it so Chen Rui wondered about who could have sent him such photos?

"Yes, it does."

"My sister."

His sister... Jin Lisa?!

"She's the one who sent these photos?"

She never would have that Jin Lisa would send such photos to him. She felt so betrayed.

Why didn't she asked her first before sending it to Jin Mingze?

Did she know that Chen Rui's relationship with her husband could go bad by sending the photos directly to him?

Chen Rui ended up laughing when she heard that name to which Jin Mingze knitted his brows in confusion.

When she finally stopped laughing, she turned her gaze to him and smiled, "Jin Mingze, are you seriously telling me that you believe that woman instead of your own wife?"

"How can I not believe her when she has proof?"

'Fuck you!' Chen Rui wanted to shout those words to him but she stopped herself from doing so.

"Then fine. Believe what you want to believe." She leaned back and crossed her arms. "What's the use of defending myself when you won't even try believing me?" She turned away to leave.

"Chen Rui!" He stood up and was about to follow her.

She stopped and turned her cold gaze to him, "I don't want to talk with you anymore."

Jin Mingze was surprised when he saw that cold look in her eyes. He has never seen her looking that way.

Chen Rui didn't bother explaining herself to him so this time she left him in his study.

Things were going bad in their relationship and once again, Chen Rui was so focused on having her revenge.

Her first target was Tang Xue before she plans on handling Jin Lisa.

She thought that taking her revenge against her was going to be easy but Tang Xue had already planned ahead of her.

One day, Chen Rui was in the car, heading to Cai Sijian's place when the driver suddenly noticed that a car was following them.

"Madam, I don't know if it's just my imagination but I think that black car is following us." The driver informed as he took a glance at the rearview mirror.

"Black car?" She looked behind and saw the car the driver was talking about. "That can't be... why don't you try going around the place?"

She wanted to make sure that what he said was true.

"Yes, ma'am."

After a while of driving and turning on some random streets, they both noticed that the car was still following them.

"Drive faster and lose them." She ordered.

"Yes ma'am." The driver said as he stepped on the accelerator. "Should we let Master know about this?"

"Just focus on driving." Chen Rui while looking at the black car that was behind. She noticed that it wasn't just a black car, but also a white van who followed behind it.