Nothing is more important than you

Since Jin Mingze knew that his wife didn't have a class in the afternoon, he decided to go to the Academy to pick her up so that they can have their lunch together but when he arrived, he saw her talking to a professor near the school gate.

The car was parked not far from them but Chen Rui didn't seem to notice it since her attention was with someone else so he decided to watch from inside.

He patiently waited and not long, he saw her halt a cab and left the campus grounds.

Jin Mingze already knew that she was meeting Cai Sijian in the afternoon but he never thought that they would actually be seeing each other during lunch.

Jin Mingze sighed inwardly. He should have told his wife earlier that they should have lunch together instead. Oh well, at least he can just follow and check on how close Chen Rui was with the man she was talking about.