Small, medium, or large?

After waiting for Jin Mingze to finish his lunch, before heading to the place that he suggested, Chen Rui went to the mall to buy a new set of clothes for a change.

She knew that she looked young in her uniform and standing beside a man who was wearing a suit, acting all sweet, will only give a huge misunderstanding around them. Chen Rui wanted to avoid that. 

After changing, they finally went to a high-class building in the north of the city. The landlord that met them was extremely courteous all because Jin Mingze was there. They were treated with respect as they scanned the area. The people who saw Chen Rui, including the landlord, inwardly wondered who she was but just by seeing their closeness, they all concluded that she must be his woman.

The place was very suitable for what Chen Rui had in mind. It was surrounded by companies related to art and fashion designs so having a perfect atmosphere won't be a problem. The studio was in excellent condition too.