Meeting The Villagers (1)

Li Ming and Xian appeared in the front yard of the orphanage. The children and the old couple were also there, busy in their morning session.

They all wished Li Ming good morning and continued with their class.

Li Ming looked at Xian who was looking at her with terror. She dragged him towards the swing and after he sat down on it, she started swinging it with light pushes from behind.

"Why are you looking at me like I had murdered someone?" Li Ming asked with a soft chuckle.

Xian didn't reply for sometime but then asked with a voice full of both suspicion and admiration, "How can you do that?"

"What? Doesn't cultivators do this place traveling thing all the time?" Li Ming asked as she lightly pushed the swing.

"But they need teleportation arrays for that. Moreover, the powers like these are only used by the immortal cultivators and you are just a little girl!" Xian nearly shouted with excitement but then controlled himself.

"Hmm...! Then consider it a special gift of mine. Now, tell me! What do you think of this place? Wanna stay here with me?" Li Ming asked.

"You are not going back to the capital city?" Xian asked her as he looked towards the other children studying with smiling faces.

"I have some matters to take care of here. So, I'm going to stay here for the time being." Li Ming answered his question.

"Why are you helping me?" Xian asked after a few minutes of silence.

Li Ming looked at the children running after squirrels. She sighed as she said, "Because you are special. Just like the rest of them." She nodded her towards the children of orphanage.

A small smile appeared on Xian's face when he heard her reply.

She asked him to follow her and went towards the group of children. She already knew his decision.

"You all have a new friend. He's Xian and he will be going to stay here with you guys. Treat him with love and kindness. Okay?" Li Ming said as she pushed Xian on a seat between two other boys.

"Yes Miss!" The children answered her in a loud voice. The old couple nodded their heads in understanding and continued the class.

Li Ming told them that she was going to the fields and teleported.

Although at first her plan was to keep her powers a secret but later she realized that the people of this world both respected and feared the powerful person.

That's why she's no more trying to keep her powers a secret. Also this show off of her powers were helping her in making the people trust her.

If not for her powers, she couldn't have gained the ownership of the Black Jade Inn.

The villagers had already received Sir Liu's orders and nearly every villager was present at the fields with their families.

They were waiting for the special person about whom Sir Liu had told them. According to Sir Liu, that person had the ability to help them.

They all were waiting for past one hour but they still couldn't see a single soul coming towards the fields.

It's not that Li Ming was late. Rather the villagers were too excited after hearing Sir Liu's words, so they all came to the fields very early.

Just as they were getting impatient from the waiting, suddenly a girl appeared by the side of Sir Liu. They all were too shocked to utter a single word. The whole place was dead silent. Only the voices of the birds and insects could be heard.

Li Ming saw the large crowd gathered.  She was kinda impressed. She thought that the villagers wouldn't believe Sir Liu and most of them would carried out with their plan. But it seemed she was wrong about the level of trust the villagers had in Sir Liu.

When Sir Liu saw Li Ming suddenly appearing beside him, he nearly got a heart attack but he somehow controlled his reaction.

He nodded towards Li Ming and then said to the villagers, "This is Miss Li. She's from a very noble and respected family. When she heard about our problems, she offered her help. I think you all should hear her out."

Li Ming looked at the crowd who were still looked like they had seen a ghost.

Actually, it was not the villagers fault. The only powerful cultivator that they had seen for last few decades was The Old Sir Liu. They had only heard about the High Level Cultivators. It was their first time seeing a person appearing out of thin air.

"I did some study on the soil samples from your fields yesterday. And I think I know the problem of the damage in the crops." Li Ming said as she looked at the crowd.

The silent crowd suddenly erupted into loud voices. After Sir Liu told them to keep quiet, the crowd again settled down.

"But before telling you guys the reason, I want to ask a question." This time Li Ming directed her words towards Sir Liu.

"What do you want to ask? I will try my best to answer." Sir Liu said as he looked at the little girl who was emitting a very cold aura. Her every step and word showed the high position and personality that a Master had.

"Did anyone in the village got sick with some weird disease in the recent years?" Li Ming asked seriously.

Sir Liu thought for a while and finally shook his head, "As far as I remember there was not any case of any strange disease in the past few years. All the people who got sick were suffering from some normal cold or fever and they even recovered in a few days after taking the medicine.....But why are you asking this question?" Sir Liu was puzzled.

Li Ming nodded her head as she listened to what Sir Liu had said.

"Then my theory was actually right. When I studied the soil samples yesterday I found a very rare poison in it. This poison is making it unfertilized for past 5-6 years. There's only two methods for getting this poison into the soil without getting caught. The first one is through the irrigation, but since the same water is used by the villagers for drinking purpose and no one had been infected by any strange illness that mean the water is safe. That leaves the second method...."