Meeting The Villagers (2)

After listening to Li Ming's words, everyone was shocked.

One of the villager could not help it any more and finally asked, "Miss Li, what is the second method about which you were talking?"

The others also supported him and started asking the same question.

"I'm not 100% sure about this one as I have no proof but I think that if the poison was not in the water then it was in the seeds." Li Ming said.

The crowd again started talking but this time it was in anger. No one had ever thought that someone was deceiving them like this.

"Does that mean Han Zhe was providing us with those poisoned seeds? That mo***r f****ng bastard!" A young man, maybe in his late twenties, shouted in anger.

The villagers continued to talk angrily  among themselves and continued to curse the Han Zhe.

It took a lot of effort from both Sir Liu and Li Ming to make the boiling villagers cool down a little.

"Miss Li, why are you so sure that the poison was in the seeds? Maybe whoever did it had used some other methods." Another one of the villagers  asked after they all had settled down.

Li Ming nodded her head in agreement and said, "You are not completely wrong, But I have my reasons. If the poison was not in the water and nor in the seeds, then it means that someone had sprinkled it in the fields. Although one could also sprinkle this poison at night or at a time when no one was present in the fields but it is kind of hard and nearly impossible. First, it's really tiring to sprinkle the poison in such a large area. And if there were more than two or three persons then it was also impossible that no one from the village saw anyone or anything."

"Now, let's consider that they got away with it for the first time but the poison continued to seep into the soil for past 5 years. That mean the poison was added every year. How can someone be so smart to get away with it all these years without getting caught."

"But still as I said before I'm not 100% sure that the poison was in the seeds but don't worry, we'll find out the real culprit behind it. But right now, the most important thing is to start the preparation for this season." Li Ming told the crowd who nodded their heads after listening to her explanation.

The villagers finally settled down when they heard Li Ming talking about the crops. Since their soil was already poisoned, how they were going to feed their families anymore!

"Miss Li, you are very kind and intelligent person. Your level of cultivation also seems quite high. By any chance do you know any method or some way that can help us?" The woman who spoke this time was Sir Liu's daughter - in - law, Liu Hansi.

Before Li Ming could reply, someone from the crowd spoke up.

"She is just a little girl. Although she has some tricks up her sleeve but that doesn't mean she can solve such a huge matter. How can we trust a complete stranger like this? Moreover a little child!" These words were spoken by a fat woman who was in her mid thirties. Her name was Yan Ning.

'What a place? Everyone is jealous after seeing someone as talented and beautiful as me!'

Right! These were Li Ming's exact thoughts after she listened to that woman's words.

Snowy shook his head but didn't bother to say anything to his stupid master.

Li Ming looked at the woman and spoke in a very cold voice, "Can you suggest a better option? If not, then don't open your mouth again! I'm not known for my patience."

It was clearly a warning, both to that woman and to all the other villagers.

No one said anything and completely ignored the woman who was left both terrified and angry by Li Ming's words.

"Now it's time for business." Li Ming told the villagers.

Everyone was surprised after hearing this. "Miss Li, what are you talking about?" Another woman asked.

"You want someone who can help you in getting rid of the poison. And I can help you." Li Ming looked at the crowd who became happy after listening her words.

"But I want to make some things clear before that." Li Ming looked at Sir Liu who nodded his head.

The crowd felt silent and looked at Li Ming as they waited patiently.

"I'm a business woman. Everything that I do is related to my business one way or another. As I said I can help you guys but I have a business proposal and I can assure you that this proposal is the best thing that can happen to this village in an entire century." Li Ming's said in a voice full of confidence.

The villagers started talking among themselves. Li Ming didn't disturb them and stayed silent. She looked at the crowd and her eyes sparkled with an evil light as her gaze focused on Yan Ning.

After listening to Li Ming's words, Yan Ning thought that it was the perfect moment to sow the seed of doubt in the heart of villagers as Li Ming was only thinking about her own benefits.

But somehow her lips got stuck to each other. Not only that but her whole body was paralyzed. She couldn't move a single finger. Her heart started beating rapidly with terror. She looked around in horror and saw Li Ming looking at her.

Cold sweat appeared on Yan Ning's forehead. If her body was not paralyzed then she might be shivering in pure terror.

"It looks like you don't understand normal language. Didn't I tell you to keep your mouth shut if you don't have anything important to speak? I will not be kind enough to repeat myself a third time. I hope you will not disappoint me."

Yan Ning heard Li Ming's cold voice in her head and she immediately nodded her head in understanding.

That's when she realized that she could move her body again at her will.

She looked at Li Ming and immediately looked down to avoid her cold eyes.

It looked like this Miss Li was not a human but a devil...!!