Soul Mark

"Probably because of the soul mark!"

Lord Yueliang's reply made Li Ming gasp as she stared at the Deity with her doe eyes.

"You all have soul marks? Then...then why only he believed in the bond? Why didn't the rest of you?"

Her soul jumped at the thought of seeing the soul mark carved on her mates' body.

"Not all of us. Only Hei Long has the soul mark." Lord Yueliang told her as he took in the excited expression on her face which turned into confusion at his words.

"What do you mean? Why only him?" She asked the Deity.

"Since he was the first one to accept the soulbond without any second thought, the Deity gifted him with the soul mark. He said that the rest of us will receive ours too by our mate when we finally accept the bond." The Moon Immortal answered her question truthfully, not wanting to hide it from his soulmate.