Moon Goddess

Li Ming immediately snatched her hand away from Lord Yueliang's reach. She placed her hands behind her back, stepping a few inches away from him.

The Moon Deity was shocked at first by her sudden movement but then guilt dawn on him and he immediately started to apologize, "I didn't mean to..."

But before he could complete his apology, Li Ming stopped him.

"No! It's not your fault. It's just...umm...actually, the soul marks are really sensitive to a mate's touch." 

She could feel her cheeks turning slightly pink but she held her ground, not letting shyness overtook her again.

It took merely a few seconds as the meaning behind her words hit him and if not wrong, Li Ming also noticed a pink tinge taking over his ears but due to the lack of proper lightning, she was not sure if she was seeing things.

"Umm...I seriously didn't mean to be rude. I just pulled away so that..."