Meeting The Crown Prince

Li Ming and her two companions came out of the restaurant on the busy street of the bustling market.

They still got more than half an hour before the auction would start and for the very first time, Li Ming had nothing to do to pass her time.

Moreover, her mind was still thinking about what she overheard back in the restaurant. The Crown Prince of the Han Empire was also present there somewhere in the market. Was he also going to attend the auction?

To be honest, Li Ming didn't care about what the Crown Prince of the Han Empire was doing there or the reason behind his visit to the Wang Empire, but the fact that he was Zhang Yong's brother was giving her a weird feeling.

She had stayed away from the Imperial family all these months even though she was so close to the Fourth Prince and thanks to that she knew nothing about the royal family of the Empire where she was living for the past six months.

Just Great!