Dislike For Destiny

"And you are...?" 

The question ranged out through the deafening silence of the area as both the groups completed assessing each other.

Li Ming gave a last assessing look to the Prince before along with the other two girls she clasped her hands in front as the three of them slightly bowed to greet the Crown Prince.  

It was not a greeting from a citizen to their Crown Prince, but a normal greeting from one person to another.

"We are here in search of a kid who stole our Master's money back in the market street." Zi Yan answered the Prince's question.

"Oh! May I know the identity of this lady?" The Crown Prince asked as he looked at Li Ming with curious eyes.

A slight twitch appeared on her lips which was covered with the veil.

"I'm sorry to tell you that I'm not a big fan of talking with strangers. Just let us talk with that kid. We need to be somewhere within the next half an hour."