Gifting A Soul Mark

The two women watched the egg closely. Their keen eyes were taking in every single detail.

"Are you sure that the time in the outside world will still be the same when we will return?" Li Ming asked as she kept her eyes trained on the beautiful but also a bizarre scene that was playing on in front of her.

Though there was so much going on with the little kid and the egg, but one part of her brain was still thinking about the auction that was supposed to start around five minutes ago, since it's five past one pm currently and the auction was supposed to start at one pm.

"I have already told you that when you will return to the real world, the time difference would barely be two - five minutes later than the time when you entered this space. Now, stop overthinking about it." The woman tried to calm the mage queen.

Li Ming lightly nodded her head, trying to assure her mind that her plan for the auction won't be ruined because she would be absent from it.