Li Ming's Future Duties

"Are you cursing me?" Li Ming shouted at the banshee at the top of her lungs.

She was on the brink of throwing the woman into some black hole and to get rid of her forever.

"Of course not, my darling! Cursing is the favorite time pass of you witches and fortunately, I don't belong to the clan of witches. I'm just telling you about your future duties. There's no need for you to misinterpret my words." The Banshee replied sarcastically.

"I'm not a witch either." Li Ming said with gritted teeth and glaring eyes which were aimed at the banshee.

"You know what? It's seriously confusing to differentiate between witches, mages, and sometimes even wizards. You guys have made everything so complicated." The Banshee said while rolling her eyes.

Li Ming just shook her head at the words of the banshee and completely ignored her. She was in no mood of explaining the differences between witches and mages to a mixture of a ghost, a seer, and a banshee.