Double The Trouble: Part Two

Li Ming watched as the snow slowly started covering her boots little by little.

It was around nine-thirty and the dark chilled night filled with silence was making her feel sleepy.

Her hands were freezing even though she had increased her body temperature to keep herself warm as the snow kept falling.

She still needed to find out exactly why the Snow Fields kept covered in snow throughout the year without any break.

She rubbed her hands together to help them warm up a little. Suddenly, a pair of strong arms snaked around her waist and hugged her tightly from behind.

What shocked her was the identity of the person who was hugging her. It would be normal if it was Zhang Yong, Ruoshan, When Guiying, or for a moment, even Hei Long.

However, Li Ming was amazed to find the Heaven Emperor back hugging her tightly as he placed his chin on her shoulder.

"My Lord...?"