Double The Trouble: Part Three

Li Ming stared at the ceiling of her bedroom as she kept lying on her bed with two of her mates accompanying her.

Hei Long was lying on her left side while the Heaven Emperor was on her right side.

"Why are you so silent, Lilac Girl? I was expecting you to bombard me with questions. However, you have not said a single word. What happened?" Hei Long asked as he turned to look at her.

His robes had come undone slightly which made the skin of his collarbone visible. Li Ming felt her eyes ogling his bare collarbone as she felt her hands itching to feel his warm and smooth skin.

She let out a deep sigh as she shook her head lightly to get rid of her craving thoughts.

"How? And when?" Her gaze penetrated his dark eyes as she asked the questions that were making cramps appear in her stomach.

She was not expecting tingles to erupt throughout her body as a warm hand engulfed her wrist where the soul mark was shining in pleasure.