The Deserved Privacy

On top of the high cliffs in the Southern parts of the Array Island, a girl in a light blue dress was standing at the very edge of the cliffs.

A handsome Immortal was standing right behind her as one of his arms was wrapped around her waist.

That sight could have been beautiful and mesmerizing if not for the fact that the Immortal was carrying a sinister look and it looked like the girl was having a hard time.

Her complexion had turned pale and her entire body was covered in sweat.

Not only that but she was shivering as if she had been left inside an ice cave to suffer in its cold environment.

Her hands were covering her temples as she was constantly shaking her head as if trying to get rid of whatever was going through her mind.

The island was filled with silence, not a comfortable one, rather a silence that provoked the protective instincts of a person.