We Don't Have It!


The fake Ruoshan asked as he stared at the young girl with his eyes popping out like small candies as he kept stepping back to create some distance between himself and the weird girl.

Everything was going fine just ten minutes ago. The girl was under his control and she was almost at the very edge of giving up.

However, what he never expected was for that dead tired girl to suddenly muster out a bit of her strength which was enough to take him by surprise and she succeeded in pulling herself out from his arms.

By the time he and his even lazier companions realized what was happening, five Li Ming were standing in front of them rather than just one.

Each one carrying a deathly dagger in her hands that shone with silver light covering them from tip to hilt. 

As those five girls kept closing in towards the five fake Immortals, the latter had no other choice but to retreat.