It was a calm day at Azur Lane,The sky was clear,Sun was shining brilliantly intermingling with the clouds here and there,Waves and waves of the sea water were hitting on the shoreline.

It was a great day.....in this world infected with an eternal war,A war which will be remembered even after a thousand years.


Many years ago,Earth was abruptly invaded by a danger they have never faced before.This danger what we would say "*came out of the blue*".

This danger wreaked havoc and chaos all across the world in a very short notice.Nations of the world were in hysterical panic as they tried to defend against this threat,but to no avail,This new threat proved to be much dangerous.Every time,a creature of this threat was seen or even sighted,The Alarms would ring repeatedly to take evacuate any human being in the vicinity and call the authorites,A *name* was given to these creatures for creating such disturbance and alarm around the world.

They were Called the "Sɪʀᴇɴs"

The War Authorities tried to fight them but the weapons they used couldn't even land a scratch on their Armor,which to describe them as blunt and simple as possible would be,that they were aliens from some other world following the goal of universal conquest.

They were light years ahead of humans in terms of technology, intelligence and coordination,They seemed to predict every move we made,every move which **we** thought was out of the box and unpredictable...was predicted by them,as if they have already experienced this....

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"I never thought that we would such a day as miserable as this,we have fought many wars yet none so one-sided than this." Said Admiral Travis Of US begrudgingly,sitting in a roundtable meeting with the other three admirals of the world,namely Admiral Sotakou from Japan, Admiral Ethelius from UK,Admiral Rufus from Germany.

"No one expected this Travis,as to add more to that statement,No one can expect the thinkings of a race;we have never seen or even heard of.Do not let that thought of miserablity take toll on you." replied Admiral Ethelius calmly,as he heard a tongue click from Admiral Rufus.

"Don't try to lighten the situation with Light words Ethelius,The whole world is in danger of total destruction.Our Government has given up completely telling everyone to take shelter underground or some abandoned place as if that's going to help against those aliens,Some mad activists even tried to join those abominations...only to be found in disintegrated states,those degenerates have found their time to propogate their madness now."said Admiral Sotakou with a 'hmph' sound.

"Can we all actually think about some ways to fend of those Sirens or are we just gonna fuck around saying downing words,I could have atleast taken out some of their troops in the time we have had this meeting;Speaking of that,why don't we just do that and wage an all out war while they don't expect us?"said Admiral Rufus.To which Admiral Travis replied abruptly.

"And then what? Get erased as those activists?

Rufus,You have seen their weaponry and their strategies,they are always 10 steps ahead of us in every way possible".

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A new voice rang out through the meeting table.

A person who seemed to be in his 40's entered the meeting,As soon as that person entered,All the four admirals bolted right up and saluted in a perfect manner.

"By any chance,Grand Admiral "those objects",do you mean the "Wisdom Cubes." asked Admiral Ethelius

"Yes Ethelius,I mean the Wisdom Cubes,they are our last chance now,if they can't stand against those...Sirens,Then Nothing can." replied Grand Admiral in a finalising tone

With that,the meeting came to an end.

Humans started their research with the Wisdom Cubes,Their efforts bore fruit and the Ship-Girls were created,Combination of Warships and Humans,Finally Human beings were able to fight against Sirens with the new found Ship Girls.

The War has begun...

ᴄᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ ᴛɪᴍᴇ

"Fwaaah,Finally done with all this paperwork.. this should retain for atleast two days.Now I need a good nap or maybe a cup of tea." said Commander.

As soon as he said that,A woman with silver-white hair and in a maid attire,entered his office with a kettle of hot tea and some biscuits.

"Good day to you,Commander,Would you like to have a cup of tea?"said the maid named Belfast.

"Ah yes,I will take some,it's like you heard my words" replied the commander while Belfast poured the tea in a cup and passed it to the commander.

After a few minutes of tea drinking and small chats,Belfast started to leave as soon as she was about to leave the office,she remembered something and turned back around to face the commander.

"Oh,I just remembered,the girls in the Research and Development department called you to them,they wanted to confirm something related to their projects"said Belfast as she turned around and left.

The Commander nodded to himself and said "Alright,I will visit them,I have nothing much to do as there is no paper work left for me to do."

The Commander made his way to the RnD department and to the Research Room.

As he was about to enter the room,he noticed another door in the end of the hallway (The Hallway gradually got darker as it nears towards the end.)

It was a door which was tightly shut,it was a very old metallic door which was highly rusted at parts with some small poking holes,It was a bit unhinged to the right side

The door gave off a very eerie feeling,like it had some creatures behind it,which can purge the whole world.

The commander shirked off of his train of thoughts and continued on with his maneuver.

The day came to an end and after observing and signing the papers for the RnD department to continue their projects,He went back to his office and went to bed for sleep.

As he laid on his bed,the commander thought again of the mysterious door,he felt a bit uneasy from it,A sense of eerienes from it.He again took the thought of the door out of his mind and drifted into the realm of foggy dreams...

`~ ꋪꂦꂦꎭ ꌃꍟꃅꀤꈤꀸ ꓄ꃅꍟ ꀸꂦꂦꋪ~`

It was a completely dark place with no source of light or life in the entrance whatsover, the door led to a staircase which leads into a deeper area, the deepest part was a room with many broken computers and naked wires ran throughtout the room.there were leaking pipes in the top corners of the room in which drops of water dripped,the sound of drops reverberated throughout the room .

In the middle of the room were four containers filled with liquid used to preserve corpses,One glowed with a faint blue glow,one glowed with a red glow,while the other two glowed with pinkish and green glow.

A small sign flickered and extinguished on the top of one middle-containers,finally lighting up permanently.

The sign read....
