ᴀᴡᴀᴋᴇɴɪɴɢ [ᴘᴀʀᴛ-2]

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ᴄᴏᴍᴍᴀɴᴅᴇʀ's ᴏғғɪᴄᴇ--

The dawn broke through the darks of the nights and sunrays could be seen entering the Commander's Office through the windows, casting pale shadows of the curtains which were half covering the windows.

The rays directly fell upon eyes of the commander who lazily rubbed his eyes and awoke after a few yawns,He walked to the bathroom,brushed his teeth,took a bath and put on his commander uniform in the wardrobe.

He went to his table and sat down on the seat

"Another day,another start".This was just a quote he always says after waking up every other morning.

He looked at his desk,There was no paperwork as he completed two days worth of them yesterday.

His thoughts unknowingly went again to the mysterious door,He felt a bit of a chill went to his spine to his head.

He then collected his thoughts and muttered to himself.

"That door has been giving me quite the feeling of strangeness,By the looks of the door,It was quite old,to the point that it was rusted and I never saw any of the ship-girls go through that door to wherever it leads.

I should check it out nevertheless and make sure that it's within our intelligence"

"But then,how come a door and a really old door at that,never got noticed or searched by any of us?".The commander thought again.

There was a knock on his office's door which took him out of his thoughts and said in reply to the knock "Come in"

A figure with white hair with a cap on came through the door.

"Good morning Enterprise,What's with the surprise visit this early in the day" Commander said with a smile

Enterprise replied back with a smile

"Good morning to you too, commander.

I just came for a simple chat,since there has been less stepping on the battlefields nowadays,The Siren activities have dropped down to single digits recently,only a couple carriers or cruisers sighting but they also teleport away before we can engage them

Anything on your mind?"

"Well,I think Sirens have realised who they are dealing with and are just rogue-ing out resources to sustain themselves" Commander joked a bit and Enterprise let out a small chuckle,Again his thoughts directed to the mysterious gate,and he said in a slightly lower voice "But yes I do have something on my mind,and it's quite a bit uneasy"

Enterprise tilted her head a bit and asked

"what is it that is so....unnerving?"

"You see, Yesterday I was called to the RnD department to confirm some work there,when I was about to enter the department,there was very old metallic door in the end of the hallway,I wasn't able to see it properly because of the lighting,I felt a very strange feeling by it, like there is something in there,I just shirked the thought there but that door again came to my thoughts when I was going to sleep,do you know anything about that door?"

Enterprise thought for a moment but then shook her head to the sides

"Unfortunately,I don't,as I rarely go the RnD department and those times too just to get information about any new upgrades or weapons....I think commander,you are overthinking this stuff a bit ,It can be just a empty storage room with scraps in it." seeing his tense face, Enterprise replied.

"Maybe,it is but I will check on just for curiosity and security sake." said the commander in a questioning voice.

"As you wish commander" With that said, Enterprise left the office.

The Commander did a bit of exercise and ate some light breakfast at the canteen before starting his search on the Mysterious door

He again made his way towards to the RnD department,greeting any ship-girls he met on the way.

He now stood in front of the mysterious door with a torchlight in hand,This door was almost falling apart and there were some ants going through the crevices of the corners of the door

He opened the door carefully as he thought the door would break if he pushed it too hard.

There was complete darkness in behind the door,there were some creaking sounds by cicadas around the corners,If not for the torchlight,He wouldn't have noticed the staircase that led deeper into the ground.

The commander gulped and walked down the stairs,the stairs were grilled as they made a jingling sound every time he step on them.

He finally reached the deeper area where the floor was made of cracked stone and sand was spread throughout,it was a medium-sized room with lots of broken computers and electronic wires which ran askew around the room.

But what caught the eye of the commander wasn't the broken electronics but four large containers with steam on their glasses and were filled completely with liquid,The containers emitted distinct colour glows





The Commander observed all the four containers ,They were all filled with liquid as if to preserve them.He looked up to to the top of a container to see a glowing sign which read "A-Alter-Clas-s?"

He stepped back a bit,trying to organize his thoughts and think what these could be be,He thought of alerting the HQ,As he was about climb back up,His eyes fell upon a lever,he went near the lever,there was something written but it was on the verge of fading away

" ㄥ卂#ㄒ -ㄖ卩乇 ". it read

Then, something took over his mind,a thought,a desire...cմɾíօsíԵվ.The commander unconsciously pulled the lever down and there was a sound of water draing away,the sound snapped the commander out of his mind to reality and then he saw with his eyes wide and mouth agape..

The Containers which were first filled completely to the brim with liquid,now contained Four males of striking appearance.

-The Blue container held a male in his 19's,he had white hair with a blue hair line going through the back of his head,he was in a white t-shirt and caprice.

-The Pink Container had a male of the same age with brown hair and golden hair line going through,he wore a golden-red yukata with black jeans inside them.

-The Red container held a male who looked like the same age ,He had Jet black hair with a red hair line going through, He wore a Black shirt and a black hoodie with red outlines.

The Green container held a male who was the same age as all of them,had blond hair with a white line going through,He wore a white-T shirt and a coat with golden outlines.

The Commander was in utter shock,managing to only speak out some words.

"Are these..... Ship-gir--well Ship-Boys..but for all I know,The ships only manifested as females..how come there are male ships?"

Before,he could think any much further,he heard the sound of glass cracking,The commander turned around to see one of the glasses of the containers was breaking,He backed away a bit before the glass completely shattered, revealing the aforementioned male with white-blue hair,He had cerulean blue eyes

Similar happened to the other containers,revealing the males in them.

The White-haired male turned his eyes to me.i quickly gulped and tried to run away.He apparently caught on to my intention and manifested dual guns which didn't look like they were from this era,They had this hole in the middle of them which contained a blue crystal, seemingly powering them.

He pointed the guns at my forehead at point blank and asked.

"who are you...?"

The other males seemed to have same idea and looked up to me while manifesting their weapons.

The Brown-haired had a katana with a golden inscription and a black and yellow handle

The Blonde-haired had a halberd with a white handle which also had inscriptions

The Black-Haired had dual shortswords with jagged edges,it also had inscriptions

"I--i am the Commander Of the Azur lane Headquarters named Lucas" said the Commander

"Azur lane...?" asked the Black-Haired

"Yes,It's a Military alliance formed by the four Naval powers,The Eagle Union,Royal Navy,Ironblood and the Sakura empire to fight the Alien species which have wrecked havoc around the world,Called Sirens" explained Lucas.

Apparently,The Word "Sirens" was the right word as they lowered their weapons and had a slight bitter expression.

As Lucas thought the situation was getting colder,He thought of asking them some questions.

"Well,that is my introduction,Who are you all?"

asked Lucas.

"Firstly,I want to apologise,I jumped at the conclusion that you were one of...*them*

and I drew my weapons at you and for that I deeply ashamed..."Said the White One.

"Well,that goes for all of us,we all drew out weapons at the person leading against the thing we were made to destroy,for that,I apologise as well..May god guide us right.." Said the Blonde-Haired

"Yes,I feel very ashamed as well,I hope you

forgive us"Said the Brown-haired

"...Sorry.." Said Black-haired

"Ah..I forgot to introduce myself...

I'm USS Alter of the Alter-Class,One of the Four Ships that were created as the first results of the intermingling of Siren-Type technology and Ships of Earth and empowered by Wisdom Cubes..for reasons unknown,I was put in the preservation containers" said Alter in a calm voice

"I'm HMS Etherius of the Alter-Class,As said one of the Four Ships,May the guiding light shed light on the time sifted by in our sleep."said Etherius in a warm tone

"I'm IJN Kansei Of the Alter-Class,Pleased to be your acquaintance,hehe~" said Kansei In a less than excited voice

"I'm KMS Raphael of the Alter-Class,Nice to meet you..."said Raphael quietly

The Commander shaked their hands and greeted them.They went up the stairs with them,The commander with the four "Ship-Boys" went to his office.

The four sat down on chairs while Lucas sat on his seat."So,can you tell me more about yourself,like why were you contained in the containers?" asked Lucas

"We don't quite remember i think,all I remember was lot of rumbling sounds,people shouting,next thing was passing out in the containers,before that,I don't remember anything about how we ended up there,but I do remember that we were all created for a single cause...destroy the sirens completely."replied Kansei.

"Ah well,Can't help with memory loss now,can we? well putting that aside,what will you all do now?" asked Lucas

"We were thinking of well...joining Azur Lane,since we don't have anywhere else to go,I doubt our creators are alive and well since our goal is for the destruction of the Sirens and you have the same goal as well,so..." said Alter

"It's alright,I get it,I'm very much glad that we have the same goal and well it's not always a blue moon to see male ships.so I hope we can all work together to weed out the problem known as Sirens and tell them that humans are not to be messed with!" said Lucas in a bright tone


"We sure will"-Ethelius



And so the the four ships of the Alter-Class joined the Azur lane.