New Toys

My nightgown swished around my ankles as I hurried down the corridor. Based on the previous owner's memories I can recollect that the dining room is towards the center of the mansion. It is shaped quite similar to the one I had back in Fontania. The difference lies in the exterior of this house compared to that of my previous one. This mansion is larger, has more rooms, maids, servants, and windows. I recoiled as I hugged myself from the sunshine which seeped into the corridor through the windows. As a villainess and person who has dedicated my life to evil, the light is a disease which I hope to avoid. The dark, and blood are the only two things which interest me. Especially the succulent smell and taste of my enemies' blood.

I chuckled as I turned right at the fork up ahead. Paintings lined the new corridor as it widened to open up to the round room of the dining area. My new parents sat on the white, pristine table. Their faces and expressions poised as they ate elegantly. Three other individuals sat on the sides of the table. Two young men slightly older than myself. One of the young men had pale, gray eyes and pale, platinum hair. The other had large red eyes, and midnight black hair. They seemed like polar opposites in their personalities and looks. Despite their cold features, they were quite handsome with their sharp jawlines and Roman noses. Next to them sat a young teenager with light brown hair and large violet eyes. He resembled a puppy.

I scratched my head as I looked at the parents then at the children. There is clearly something really wrong about this picture. It's as if each of us children have inherited only a single feature of one parent. I had my "father's" ginger hair, the whitey had my "mother's" pale eyes, the red-eyed beast had my "father's" eyes, and the puppy had my "mother's" brown hair. I closed my eyes as I recollected the previous Iona's names of these individuals.

The twins were older than Iona by two years. Whitey was the oldest of the pair of twins. His name was Vicktor and he was known for his double-faced personality. He could be evil just as much as he could be nice. I smiled. A true villain at heart. The red-eyed beast was the other twin, his name is Radford and he is both nice as he is stupid. I slapped my forehead. To think that my expectations were reduced to ash. The truly perplexing child was the puppy. He was the youngest of the children at only thirteen. His name is Tulio. Despite his cute features, he had quite a foul mouth and scheming mind. I chuckled. I'm going to get along quite well with this little kid. All of the previous owner's siblings hated her for her ridiculously good nature and treated her as a pushover with their constant jokes. I smirked.

Well guess what bitches, your old pushover sister isn't here anymore. Instead she's been replaced with one hell of a villainess. You have taken her previous self for granted. I cracked my knuckles as anticipation filled me in dealing with these brats. Iona used to sit next to her siblings in the same side of the table so that she would avoid their hateful looks. My "mother" smiled as she stood up.

"Iona, my dear! Come and sit down! What would you like for breakfast?"

I quietly walked over and sat on the chair which faced the siblings. The previous Iona's mother was quite beautiful but her viscious tongue was known to change that opinion. The three siblings looked at me in confusion before looking at each other. I smirked. Vicktor frowned when he saw my smirk.

"Nothing much mother, I don't want to bother your breakfast. Please sit down. When I get hungry I will tell Perceus to bring me some milk."

Perceus was the family butler. He was the epitome to Iona's terrible treatment by her brother's as he assisted their shenanigans. If I can put a leash on him then I can control these three bitches in front of me.

I turned to look at my "father". He shivered before clearing his throat and said.

"I'm sorry my dear Iona, but tomorrow you must go and meet his majesty Peregrine. After breakfast your siblings shall accompany you to some shopping."

I quickly flicked my gaze to face the siblings. They smiled evilly as they looked at me. Vicktor then wiped his mouth with a handkerchief as he said.

"Don't worry father, we will take good care of our sister. We do love her after all."

My "father" and "mother" smiled as the sound of silverware filled my ears. The siblings must think that I am skeptical about meeting the King considering his terrifying past. Due to learning of the fact that she was going to marry him from her friend the previous Iona had killed herself with a poison. Her death coincided with mine thus allowing me to take over her body. I looked up. Lucky bitch. She's probably having fun in heaven with all of the handsome angels while I have to deal with these devils in her place. My stomach grumbled as I felt hunger fill me. On the clock, Perceus entered the room and looked at me when he said.

"What can I prepare for you Miss Iona?"

He flinched as he looked at my daunting glare. Throughout all of Fontania my death glare was known as being the most fearful thing that a citizen can see. I have to admit that I do live up to that fact.

"Please bring me a cup of warm milk butler."

Perceus rose from his bow as he looked at me in confusion. I smirked. The previous Iona was known for addressing the butlers and servants by their names in order to show her affection them. Guess what butler, I have no affection for you. After all a jerk such as yourself should know his place.

The room quieted as Perceus bowed and left. His walk rigid as he closed the doors to the dining room behind him. I turned to see the shocked faces on my "family" members. I smirked as I said.

"Is there something wrong?"

My "family" members nodded before my "mother" said.

"What is wrong with you Iona? Are you feeling well today? You're not acting like you usually do."

I smiled a slight smile as I placed my chin in my hand.

"Who knows mother, maybe it's because of the weather or something."

My "mother" furrowed her eyebrows before nodding and saying.

"Is that so? I hope that you get better soon."

"I appreciate the sentiment mother."

My "mother" flinched at the word "mother". I chuckled. Oh dear. This was way too fun. I might just get attached to the new toys which I have found in my new life. I wonder how long they will last before they break.


Thank you so much for reading my luvs! How's our evil heroine doing? Is she evil enough? Stay safe and be careful my luvs!