Its no use crying over spilt milk

Perceus walked in to the dining room with a tall glass of milk which emitted steam. I smiled as he leaned in to set it in front of me. A memory of the butler "accidently" spilling hot tea over the Iona filled my mind. Tulio was the one who had put him up to it. I turned to look at the butler. As he set it in my hands I tipped over the milk as it spilled all over the front of the butler's black coat and blouse. He cried out as the hot milk scalded his skin. I jumped off from my chair and pretended to look concerned as I took my handerchief and started to wipe his blouse.

"Oh Perceus, I'm so sorry! Could you forgive me? The milk was very hot that I accidently spilled it. What should I do for you to forgive me?"

Perceus chuckled nervously as he slowly backed away from me.

"Don't worry Miss Iona, I will take care of it myself. Please sit back down."

I leaned in and whispered in the butler's ear.

"Do you actually think that I care about your insignificant body? Did you ever think about the amount of pain I would be in when you spilled that hot tea over me last week? So how does it feel? Do you feel the hot liquid dripping down your chest? Is the trail of burning needles that it leaves comfortable? Oh, and you will be having much fun with the blisters which will grow later on. Now get out of my face and never think about doing something anything to me again or else I will return the favor gladly."

Perceus nodded before he ran out of the dining room as if his shoes were on fire. I stood up and walked to my chair. The sound of my chair being pushed in filled the silent room. I looked to see my siblings with their silverware on the table as their jaws were dropped open. My mother and father furious as they looked at me. I smirked as I set my head on the table and closed my eyes. God was I tired. My ears perked up as I heard Vicktor whisper to Radford.

"Why did Iona become like this? Wasn't she always so nice to the servants and Perceus?"

Radford whispered back.

"I'm not sure. There's something really wrong with Iona. Do you think that she's lovesick or something?"

What a dumbass. Tulio then chimed in by saying.

"It's true. Its almost as if she's a different person now."

Damn it. This little kid is too smart for his own good. Whatever let him think that. I raised my head and stood up as I pushed in my chair and headed towards the dining room doors.

"Iona, where are you going?"

I turned back to see my father red faced as he stood up. He was truly angry. I giggled as I covered my mouth and said.

"Oh, I'm sorry father. I forgot to excuse myself."

I then curtsied mockingly and pushed open the doors. My father then yelled out.

"Get back in here Iona! Since when have you become so brazen?!"

I chuckled as I turned and said.

"Please calm down father, anger is bad for the elderly. It can lead to extreme hair loss."

My father's screams were muffled as the doors shut behind me. I chuckled.

Oh my, oh my. This was all way too fun. It doesn't seem fair how much fun I'm having for someone who was so sinful in my previous life. The father toy was starting to break and crack at the edges already. I must take care or else I would not be able to play with him any longer.

I started to hum a Fontania tune as I skipped down the corridor to go back to my room. I must now prepare myself for meeting the tyrant king tomorrow. But before that I must think of how I'm going to play with my tiny dolls named Vicktor, Radford, and Tulio. I chuckled as I thought of how I will play with them in today's trip to the village center.

I must push them to their limits but keep them in the perfect place of confusion. They must believe that I am kind to them despite my evil actions. Their minds will thus be turned to mush as they try to figure out my motives behind every one of my actions. My smiles will confuse and shake them to the core. Their paranoia will leave them sleepless and obedient to my every whim and command. Oh, all of this thinking and planning was making me slightly hungry.

Should I go to the kitchen or my room first?

I stood in the middle of the hallway deliberating when a large shadow covered mine. I looked up to see a large man look down at me. His black eyes sparkling as he steely glared at me. I felt goosebumps rise all over my arms. This man screamed "danger" but I can't help myself be attracted to "danger". I smiled at the man as I searched through the previous Iona's memory to figure out who he is. A fuse in my heart centered around my interest was lit as I figured out who he is.

"Oh my, Marquess Eloris, is there something that you would like to talk to me about?"

The Marquess smirked as he said in a deep rumbling voice.

"Oh? It seems like Miss Iona is no longer afraid of me?"

I chuckled as I patted his arm.

"Why would I be afraid of a person whose twisted black heart is so similar to mine?"

The Marquess was known in all of Devashire for his ruthless and cunning ways in dealing with others. His deceitful ways are renowned for how he constantly takes the rightful land from owners by force. He both abuses his title and enumerates it with his gains. I licked my lips. The taste of his evil aura excited me. The Marquess backed away in shock before he sidestepped me and walked down the corridor in the opposite direction. I smiled.


This new toy of mine is way too easy to break. I should just forget about him for now. When I find use for him I will surely remember his name. Something told me that this isn't the last time that I'll be seeing the Marquess. And I sure hope not as well. It is the first time that I have found someone quite as evil as me in this new life of mine so far.

But who knows?

The Tyrant King himself might just change that fact.


Thank you so much for reading my luvs! Please stay safe and be careful! Thank you for all of the support with this story!