
The demon army successfully overran the Ailenborough army in the capital, the soldiers got overwhelmed by the demon superior number and superior power. All things considered, the capital should not be ransacked by the demon, and humans should have put some resistance, but due to the lack of superior firepower, the capital got overwhelmed fast.

"Clarisse, analyze why?"

"Do you want to hear my explanation, Laura?"

"Sure ma'am," she said.

"Concluding several possibilities and chances. Done. Do you want me to give you the short version or the long one?"

"The short version please."

"Sir Wankstein kicks the ass of the Royal Guard and the demon has the nerve to attack the capital because of that."

"Fair enough."

The heavy combat spaceship entered the airspace of the Ailenborough capital and started to pick its target one by one.

"Engaging targets. Prioritizing elimination of heavy targets."

Like a death star, two red beam laser was shot to the mech that was flying on top of the capital out of the sky. It melted through the steel armor like a glowing red hot knife through soft butter.

The demons didn't know what hit them, all they saw was a glimpse of red light on the background then all of a sudden and one of their flying mechs fell from the skies. The crashing mech made a huge fireball and created a very huge crater on the capital.

"What happened?" One of the demons asked as they inspected the wreckage of the mech.

A large hole with a glowing red molten metal was spotted on the mech, but that was the start of Laura's rampage on the demon on the capital.

"Ground target confirmed! Commencing airstrike!"

The barrel of the 300mm, 100mm, and 30mm autocannon started spinning. It started to spit out bullets at an incredible rate. The 30mm cannon was an improved version of the GAU-8 Avenger, it had 10 times better propellant and it boosted the speed of the bullets. It spat out bullets at the rate of 6000 rounds per minute.

Brrrrrrrrt, that was the sound of thousands of bullets being fired from multiple autocannon with variable caliber size. 100mm cannon was so strong that it made a crater on the ground. It mowed the demon army like a lawnmower through the grass.

A wyvern that was flying to their direction was shredded by more than two hundred 100mm bullets. There was nothing left of it except for the cloud of red blood.

As if it was coming from outside of that world, a gigantic flying object slaughtered them without any mercy. 300mm cannon was the most powerful weapon that suitable for airstrike thanks to the size of the area of effect. The demons turned into minced meat of black blood and red meat. The corvette literally leveled the town into rubble buildings. Only a few buildings were still standing.

"Careful Laura, I identified several flying objects flying to this ship."

"Sure, could I ram them?" Laura asked.

"Analyzing. Yes, you can, just look at the status of the energy shield."

"Copy that ma'am, " Laura said as she pushed the thruster stick of the spaceship.

The ship moved at the speed of Mach 6 as she pushed moved the control stick and the ship headed straight through the flying battleship so it would ram her targets. She wore her seatbelt as she approached one of the flying battleships.

The flying battleship was an ordinary galleon-class battleship that was usually used as fire support. It was equipped with more than 80 cannons to lay down suppressing fire.

"Impact on 3 seconds."

With the weight of 1000 tonnes and the speed, six times the speed of sound, the ship rammed the flying battleship with its full power. The battleship was split in half and fell down from the sky. The remnants of the battleship were cut into small pieces by the smaller 150 PW laser. The mech noticed it, but they couldn't do anything because the Federal Corvette was too fast.

"Increasing speed for the orbital cruise."

The ship reached the regular speed of orbital cruise which was around Mach 30 or 30 times faster than the speed of sound. The Corvette rammed multiple ships at once, but each ship that it hit, the more brutal it got. The first ship only got split in half while the last ship got obliterated by the ramming of the ship. The mech that was destroying the city with its spell barrage from the staff that it held now started running away from the capital.

"Warning! Shield integrity at 99.999%"

"Is it a bad thing?"

"Not really."

In a slashing motion, the gimballed turret of the 600 PW laser slashed through the remaining mech in the sky like slashing through an annoying fly. The disco laser show of 600 petawatts laser cannon was something surreal for the demons.

The demons beneath the ground were confused as if the god was very pissed off at them. They saw their battleship got destroyed by an invisible something and their mechs were melted by something that looks like the red beam of God. Not to mention that there was a rain of heavy metals that produced a huge crater that killed them before they realized where the source was.

"98% of enemies forced are eliminated. Ground troops are required to clear the remaining."

"Thanks for that ma'am, " Laura said as she got off that spaceship chair. She was going to finish the job, but he got interrupted by Gerald who had recovered.

Gerald wore the same combat suit as her albeit it was the male variant and he held an L-STAR on his hands. He also carried something tubular on his back and a pistol holster with the pistol. "Sweetheart, let the adult handle the jobs this time," Gerald said.

"Sir, may I join you?" Laura asked.

"Mmmmm. No, I don't think so for now. How about taking care of the princess once she woke up? You will have better times than me," Gerald said as he headed to the elevator.

"Stay safe sir," Laura waved her hands.

"Sure," The lift door closed and sent him to the down floor. But things didn't go the way he had planned, the elevator went upstairs again, to the armory floor to be exact and he found that Laura was holding the FR-90 and carried an anti-tank guided missile at her back. Gerald was surprised, "Mrs. Clarisse decided that I should accompany you."

Gerald in response called Clarisse on his helmet and called her, "Clarisse, this is the second time in a row. Why do you give her a gun?"

"She can use it, sir."

"But that doesn't mean that you can give a girl that just learned how to use firearms 2 hours ago automatic firearms."

"Sir, she can shoot accurately," Clarisse said.

"Don't worry. I'm used to firing very heavy crossbow sir."

"But Laura, this is a PDW that fires 5.6x55mm ammunition at the rate of 900 rounds per minute. This is not a crossbow that needs to be reloaded multiple times. This is a dangerous thing, please put it away."

"Sir, Laura was a member of the Royal Guard which ability can be compared to special forces," Clarisse said.

"No, she can't come with me."

"Sir, Very please," Laura said.

In the end, he could not stand Laura's request that she said multiple times. As a result, she could come, but she would be sent back to the spaceship if she is injured or something. The method of insertion was quite simple, they would be dropped from the sky.

On the bottom floor, there was a room for soldiers launching bay, they stood up on top of the room and the floor opened and revealing the burning capital underneath.

"Jump!" Gerald grabbed Laura's hand as they jumped from the ship and into the capital without any parachute.

They freefall to the ground as their helmet HUD displayed an altimeter and speed indicator. Their altitude was 2 km from the ground and their speed was 100km/h.

They landed on the ground like a meteor and create some sort of shockwave. They started their mission afterward. 

Laura: "Sir, that was dangerous."

Gerald: "Nothing out of the ordinary I suppose. Ok, now, let's clear out this town. The lifeform radar should analyze who is there and what kind of thing is that. If it is a human, rescue them, if it is a demon, just shoot it in the head. Got it?"

Laura: "aye aye sir."

[Initiating Lifeform Analyzer. 100000 Lifeform detected. Filtering for humanoid targets. 60 humanoid targets detected. Showing location on HUD]

A few blips appeared on the radar and a red outline appeared on the HUD that indicated the precise location of the living thing. One of them was above the rubble of the buildings.

Laura: "Look, sir, there is a line thingy that resembles a demon right in that building. Should we lifted it up?"

Gerald brought out his anti mech weapon and aimed it at the rubble of the building. He did that in hope that the building would evaporate with its victim.

Laura: "Sir, let me handle this."

Laura put her hands on the front of her body and started to say something gibberish in Gerald's opinion, "Levitsthum". The rubble started to float and revealing the demon that was on the brink of the dead. Laura approached it and without any remorse, she squashed its head with his foot.

Gerald: "A bullet will do the job to you know?"

Laura: "I'm used to squashing demon's head with my foot sir."

What a mysterious girl, he thought as he continued to kill the remaining demon with Laura's help.