Capital Is Under Attack

A bottle of wine later

"You know Gerald, I want to kill someone."

"And so do I. Hehe."

"Princess is a term that is used by me, I prefer to be treated like a commoner or a low-level kingdom."

"Impossible, you know? A beauty like you? Living as a commoner, you must be joking. In that estate? Where everything is such a luxury."

"Ah, you know. The usual, why are you so handsome?"

"Don't know? Maybe the same reason can be said on why are you such a beauty."

The waiter approached them and gave them the bill, it was two gold coins which was very expensive but considering her status as a princess, this wasn't that expensive. They left the restaurant together and took a walk around the town. The town was beautiful under the glimpse of light.

One thing that was catching Gerald's eyes was the fact that the mix of technology in their socio-economic and science were not a match. First of all, the lamp, the lamp was invented in the colonial era or 1879 of the old age. Of course, Gerald wouldn't think too much about it if the civilization wasn't living in a Renaissance era.

But calling it a renaissance would be a faulty assumption since the kingdom had already had their own army. But calling it a colonial-era should be wrong because there weren't any smokeless gunpowder available yet. Maybe the civilization tech was around renaissance, with the governmental organization of a colonial era, but the way that they dressed was weird. For example, it could be said that Rosaline was born in the year around 1950 from the way that she dressed. It could be said that the industrial revolution had happened on this planet. But at the same time, there was a form of advanced technology that wasn't made in the 21st century.

For example, the first thing that he fought, the mech. Mech was invented around 2107 of old age when infantry fighting vehicles had become semi-obsolete. There was a floating battleship according to Rosa, but after taking a look at the battleship, it wasn't any different from any regular sail ship except for the fact that the ship was flying. It could be said that the ship had some sort of anti-gravitational thingy.

"Hey, why are you daydreaming?" Rosa asked Gerald.

"Nah, I just suffered from a heavy culture shock," Gerald said to her as he held his head with his hand.

"Look," Rosa pointed her hand at a castle on top of a hill. It was shining with lights with multiple employees walking here and there. "The castle, the place where I grew up."

"Is the king is in there?" Gerald asked.

"No, he is on a floating island as we speak. My father is a bit paranoid about a coup attempt lately. So he is not living there since I was little, as you know, I was an outcast and I spent a vast amount of my time with the knights and the soldiers. Most of the royal guards are their sons and daughters. And now I have to deliver a speech at the next family meeting, " Rosa sighed.

A horse carriage was waiting to be rented, they rent it as a means of touring around the town, "Eh mate, how much for that carriage eh?"

"A silver coins sir and I will be the tour guide for the tour around the town," He said.

"Ok, let's go, Rosa, " they got into the carriage as the carriage started to move around the town. It was a cheap carriage that cheap tourist would usually take when took a walk around the town.

"Rosa, why nobody acknowledges your royalty status, I mean why nobody recognizes you except for that old man in that tailor shop?" Gerald asked her.

"It's not your business," Rosa said to him.

The carriage moved around the town while your guide that he rented acted as a legitimate guide. However, some of his statement was legitimately disturbing.

"Have you heard the attack on Royal Guard HQ. I heard that they are wiped out by the demon army."

The town was very diverse, it combined the aesthetics of surreal experience and fantasy dream for a book reader.

"As you can see, there are beastkin who is having fun in front of the adventurer guild."

There were a lot of animal-like humans such as cat beastkin and wolf beastkin. Still, it was hard to define their behavior from this carriage.

"Sir and ma'am, have you heard that his majesty is going to get married again, "

"Good for him then, " Gerald said to him, but Rosa's expression was like someone that had been through this so many times. Maybe she wanted to throw up or something.

"Anything wrong?" Gerald asked

"Nothing. Sir, please end the tour here, " she gave the carriage driver a silver coin and Gerald followed Rosa who was getting off the carriage.

Gerald was confused with her behavior as if she suddenly had a tantrum or was she? "What happened? Is there anything that makes you mad?"


"You can tell me. I'm all ears."

"Every month, my father does a marriage. He expanded his collection of concubines, " she said angrily.

Gerald knew that having a concubine was certainly something for a man, but he knew the reason that women would be pissed off. In particular, maybe there was something that he didn't know.

"Is that all you can tell?"

"Yes, please don't ask something private again, " Rosa said as she shunned Gerald. They came to good terms again and started to walk in the town again.

"So... Gerald, mind if you telling me about your past?" She asked him.

"Hmm, considering the amount of information that you gave to me, maybe I can spurt out some details. I was born in somewhere very very very very and 23 times more of the word very far away from here. I don't know how my mother and my father looks like. That's it I think, my life is not something interesting, " Gerald told her.

"Just that?" She asked.

"Yes, please don't ask something private again, " Gerald said that to Rosa and she felt that she had been slapped in the face by his sentence and Gerald just showed her a smug face.

Suddenly, there were crowds with carriages running in the street in one direction, looks like there were something a little bit off. Rosa almost got hit by a carriage if not for Gerald pulled her away from the street.

"What happened?" Rosa asked.

"Don't know, stay quiet, " Gerald pulled out his gun from his pocket and looked around for anything out of the usual.

A flying creature appeared on top of the alleyway where they were hiding, "what is that?" Gerald asked Rosa.

"Wyvern, a small air unit. Look at that kind, it's a black wyvern. How can the demon invade the capital this quickly?" Rosa asked herself.

"Let's take a quick peek at the road, " Gerald said as he peeped at the road.

There was an army of humanoid creatures, most of them had horns on their head and there were many kinds of them. They were the demon army, there were the big demons and the small ones. There were several huge creatures like Ogres and orcs. There was a lot of darkened beastkin too.

"Yup, the demon army is here. Ok, SERE protocol is in progress now. Let's move to a safer place, " Gerald grabbed Rosa's hand as they tried to sneak away from the crowds of demons. He talked to his watch, "Clarisse, charge the teleportation grid."

"Triangulating now sir. 1 minute," She said as a countdown timer appeared on the clock.

"Now we wait, " Gerald said as he held his pistol on his hands.

They moved away from the alleyway to an alleyway in order to avoid demon detection. But one thing was for sure, they couldn't win this game of hiding and seek because the demon army had air support.

"Wait, " he saw a demon patrol and waited for it to pass away. "Move, " they sneaked away from there.

"45 seconds left."

Luck was not at their side, a demon had spotted them in the alleyway. They were surrounded because the demon army on the alleyway behind them also got noticed by the shout of another demon.

"I see human!" He shouted. It was a human-like creature that had horns on his head. He held a sword on his hands and started to approach them.

They ran back, but the other side had been surrounded by the demon army. Without another choice, they were forced to fight.

"Let's do our best."

Gerald pulled the trigger of his pistol, two demons were dropped dead on the ground. In response, Rosa grabbed a sword and started to slashing through the demon with the sword that she had picked up. Gerald, on the other hand, had shot around ten demons that tried to capture them. He continued blasting the demon, the ammo counter dropped from 10 to 5 and to 1. "Reloading, how much time left do we have?"

"18 seconds remaining, " The watch said.

He reloaded his pistol as Rosa held off the demon more efficiently than he held them off with a pistol. When he had killed three demons, Rosa had killed ten demons.

However, it ended quickly because Rosa's sword had been broken in two. "My sword is broken, " Rosa shouted as she tried to grab another sword, but she got a slash from the demon.

"Damn it, my new clothes, " she said as she looked at her dress that was in ruin. The fabric was torn apart and her underwear was exposed.

"I'm running out of ammo here, " he threw his broken coat at the demon to distract them from attacking him. Gerald's clothes had also been torn by the damage of the battle. His long pants had turned into short pants and his white shirt had turned into a singlet. Blood was coming out from the slash damage that got inflicted by the demon that desperate enough to throw a knife at them.

"Engaging the teleportation grid."

Both of them got teleported back at the Federal Corvette. They appeared as a glowing light that had the same form as a human that it materialized them. They were teleported at the cockpit and saw someone was sitting in the main pilot's seat.

Laura was sitting on the pilot seat with a cold chocolate drink in her hands. She wore a space combat uniform which both of them found out as weird.

"How's the... Oh my god!" Laura turned the chair around and saw both of her older friends' clothes were torn apart and there were cuts around their bodies.

"Clarisse ma'am looks like my friends here have a rough date, " Laura said as she looked at them in a pitying manner. She wore a helmet and a combat spacesuit, albeit it was the medium variant. The one that Gerald used was the very light combat variants. The one that Laura wore had a thicker armor plating.

"Clarisse, Why did you give Laura a combat uniform?" Gerald commented on his A.I action, but he trusted her more than his life.

"I guess that Laura won't pose any threat to you and I. Besides, we also detect disturbance from around the capital, " Clarisse gave her reason as Laura walked to Rosa. "Sister, how's the date? Did both of you fight again?"

"No, a demon army attacks us, " she said to Laura.

"I see, that's why Mrs. Clarisse always talks about a disturbance. In that case, why don't both of you take a rest first? I will handle the ship, " Laura said as medical bots started to appear from behind them.

"Yeah, we better rest first, " Gerald said as a medic bot helped him to stand up from the ground.

Rosa resisted at first, but she eventually succumbed to the robot as both of them were carried to their own room by the robots.

"Bye sir, ma'am, " Laura waved her hands from the cockpit.

Laura put her hands at the stick of the control and put her hands on the thruster and direction control. Because of Clarisse's teachings, she could control the basic function of the spaceship.

"So Clarisse, Could you identify the disturbance via radar for me?"

"Acknowledge, 30 flying objects, 10.000 ground units. 79% possibilities of heavily armored units," Clarisse said.

"Do they have a heavily armored unit on the sky?"

"Calculating.... 90% chance there is a flying mech."

"Clarisse, switch to combat mode."

"Combat mode activated. Procedure: multirole. Preparation for air strike and air defense complete. Cannons are deployed.

The weapons that were kept on the internal bay of the ship were deployed. The ammo was loaded to the Autocannon and ready to be fired. The ship started moving towards its intended threat.

The capital was ransacked by the demons, the fire was burning everywhere. The castle had been occupied by the demon, it looked like there was no survivor in that city. Laura had also found the flying threat consisted of flying battleship, demon-riding-wyvern, and flying mech.

"Clarisse, let's go!"