Capital City Of Ailenborough

"ETA 30 seconds sir."

"Roger that."

"So... What are we going to do at the capital?" Laura asked Rosa.

"C'mon Laura, I miss the capital. It's the place where I grow up since I was little," Rosa said.

"You were born there?" Gerald asked.

"Nah, I was born in the castle. It is located on a floating island which location remains unknown except for the flying ship pilot, there are rumors that the King's castle located on top of the capital, but that is a rumor because nobody can confirm it," Rosa explained.

"Ship has arrived at the destination," Clarisse said from the ship announcement system.

"Initiate inverted flight!"

"Inverted flight engaged."

The ship turned upside down and they got a clear image of the capital. It was a very beautiful city, barricaded by two layers of walls and full of glamorous light. It was similar to the sin city but more classic. There was a line formed by horse carriage, maybe they were the person that wanted to enter the town.

Gerald stood up from the cockpit chair to get a better look at the capital. He gazed at that capital with a satisfied look. "If that thing is the one that I protect. I think it will be worth it."

"Clarisse. Make me a hot chocolate, 3 maybe."

"On my way sir."

"Why can you stand up? Aren't we flying upside down?" Rosa asked.

"Yes, but this ship has its own gravity generator. Why don't you come out of that chair and looked at the beautiful city of yours," Gerald said as a humanoid robot came out from the back room while carrying three cups of hot chocolate which were served inside a white mug

"Demon!" The princess shouted.

"No, it's my robot. See, it is docile," He grabbed the mug from the tray and gave it to Laura and Rosa who was standing beside Gerald.

"Please enjoy it while it's still hot," The robot said before he left.

"Why are you helping us?" Rosa asked Gerald.

"Why are you helping me? Let your heart answer that. You can't answer it? So do I," Gerald replied.

"I don't know, Gerald. I mean, you have everything, freedom, wealth, glory. I don't know anything that you don't have," Rosa said.

"Maybe the lack of guidance is the one that I am lacking at. At least, I have a side job besides waiting for my spaceship to be repaired, helping you guys," Gerald said.

He sipped on the hot coffee while the women looked at the capital city. They pointed their hands at several buildings in that city. They might be missing their place or something.

When he looked at Rosa, he felt that she might want to visit the town. He asked her whether she wanted to visit or not.

"So... You might want to walk around the capital. Why don't we?" Gerald offered his help.

"Sure, but I only have two gold coins in my hands right now," Rosa said.

"Don't worry ma'am. I always come prepared," Laura offered Rosa her wallet. It was a big pouch with a lot of gold coins.

"How did you manage to get that? At second thought, I won't ask. Thanks, Laura," She grabbed the pouch from Laura's hand and grabbed it with her hands.

"Nice. Do you want to tag along sweetheart?" Gerald asked.

"Thank you sir, but I'd rather touring this spaceship," Laura said to him.

"Ok then, Clarisse, teleport us to the capital at a discreet place. Meanwhile, could you teach Laura on how to use this ship. That will be much appreciated, and please don't break or attack anything while I'm gone," Gerald said.

"Roger that sir. Charging teleportation grid. Teleport in 3 2 1, engage!" Clarisse said as the adults waved their hands at Laura.

Their bodies disintegrated into data and sent to the coordinate location. The system materialized their bodies again and they appeared in the dark alleyway of the capital.

Rosa puked to the sewer beside her, "Teleportation sickness? Don't worry, you will get used to it."

He puked a lot and thus the sewer changed color to white. "Great, now I'm hungry again," Rosa said as she wiped her mouth using a handkerchief.

"Why don't you take me a tour around the town?" Gerald asked her as they walked out of the alley.

They stumbled upon the slum of the city. There wasn't anything interesting there, only beggars, soldiers and criminals. It was the southern part of the city where the slaves and the poor lived.

"Gerald, I think we go to the wrong part of the city. I don't bring any sword either," Rosa commented on him.

"Don't worry. I brought this," Gerald opened his inner jacket pocket and revealed a white metallic pistol with the ammo count 12 on the back of its receiver. It was the smart pistol MK20 and he also brought its suppressor.

"Are you planning to slaughter the whole town?" Rosa asked him.

"No, but I'm planning to protect you," He said as he closed his jacket pocket.

Rosa's face turned a bit red and they walked to the nearest safe zone or the rich district. The kind of people in the slum zone was diverse. There were multiple races ranging from beastkin to a human.

"What does an elf do around here? Are they mean to live in the forest?" Gerald asked Rosa.

"The elf was known for its archery skill and its long ears. They worked as a tailor or as anything that requires an abnormal skill of accuracy. Still, some of them worked as a prostitute or lived here as an escaped slave," Rosa explained.

"How about the dwarf over there? Are they the one that supposed to become a blacksmith," Gerald asked.

"Yes, they're our blacksmith. But they are also known for their talent in precise engineering. Technically, the ancient dwarf was the one that built the Mana core for our mechs," Rosa said.

"Mmmm. I see, Woah..." Gerald looked at front of them.

Three shady looking guys were at the end of the alleyway that head straight to the rich zone. Their looks weren't friendly at all. Three guys that held a sword were never a good idea. They turned around and saw another two guys holding a staff and they were surrounded.

"Gerald, what should we do?" Rosa asked Gerald who was attaching the suppressor to the smart pistol.

"Nothing says goodnight better than a 9mm to the head," he aimed the pistol at the goons that were moving closer to them. 

"Move! By the name of Ailenborough, I told you to stand down!" The princess shouted to the goons that were surrounding them in that alleyway.

"Nah, they're not listening. Let's go!" He grabbed Rosa's hip and he ran to the goons that were holding the sword as he shot three bullets at the bandits.

All of them hit the bandits right in the head and it cleared the path for them. They ran away from the witches that tried to catch them.

In rushes, Rosa didn't realize that she tore her dress. Her legs were exposed more now. Gerald realized that and tried to cover her face with his coat, in case someone recognized her.

Gerald held his pistol on his right hand and grabbed the princess's hand on his left. "Any clothing store still open at this time?"

"What?" Rosa was surprised.

"Look at your legs," Gerald said.

Rosa looked down and her face turned into a boiling cattle red. She looked at Gerald and raised a thumbs up slowly and pointed her hands at a clothing store near that busy street.

"C'mon let me carry you. On second thought, maybe I must carry you," Gerald said as he bridal carried her.

"Put me down. I'm the head of the Royal Guard."

"Shhh. It's not nice to shout in the middle of crowds like this, you are still a princess," Gerald shushed the princess as he carried her to the clothing shop and with the pistol being carried on his hip.

Inside the clothing store, they were greeted by the strong fragrance of a flower. There were couches, looks like it was a place for a bespoke tailor. A handsome grandpa with a suit greeted them with a strong British accent.

"Good afternoon sir. How may I help you today?" He observed both of them and he pulled a conclusion, "Ah, I see. Looks like sir and madam are going to be married. Then, who shall I help then?"

"Actually this girl needs a new dress," Gerald said as he took off his coat from the princess's head. The owner wasn't surprised when he saw Rosa's face.

"Oh my dear, I'm sorry my Royal Highness. Come here please, I never thought that his majesty finally married off his last daughter. Please come in," The owner said.

Gerald sat down on the couch as he waved around his pistol and sometimes took aim at the head of the owner of the clothing shop. 'phew phew'

The owner measured her body size, cut the fabric, and did all the other bullshit that Gerald didn't want to know. He finally saw the final product and damn, wasn't she sexy?

"Oh my God, what did you do to her?" Gerald complimented.

"I just tried to do my best sir," He said to him.

She was astoundingly beautiful. A white dress, but somehow the old man was a good tailor and made her more suitable to be called a princess. She wore a beautiful necklace on her neck.

"I will give this service gratis as a token of servitude," The owner said.

"Thank you," Rosa said.

"It's my pleasure, your Royal Highness," She said.

"Now, shall we?" Gerald offered his hands.

"Ok," she said as she grabbed Gerald's hand.

They walked to a nearby fancy restaurant, across the road from the clothing shop. It was a very fancy restaurant, you could even smell it from distance. They entered the restaurant, and one of the waitresses asked, "May I take off the jacket? No weapon please."

Gerald put off his jacket at the waiter and pulled the magazine of the pistol and cleared it. He gave it to the waiter and said, "Don't lose it ok."

"Have you made any reservation sir?" He asked Gerald.

"Not yet," Rosa asked.

"I see. Follow me, sir," he said as he was followed by both of them. The table was full that night, only one table was remain and that was romantically placed on a window near the street.

They sat down there, Rosa ordered her food, "One steak please, medium rare, And two glasses of the Rambriulesse Branco."

"Anything else ma'am?"

"No thanks," Gerald said.

"We only sell that in a bottle."

"A bottle then."

They sat there awkwardly, maybe expecting someone to engage in the conversation. Either Gerald fiddled with his hair or Rosa gritted his teeth.

"So... What do you see in me?"

"A rather unique."

"I see. For a man that murders all of my men, you're quite a gentleman, Mr. Wankstein."

"Ironically, I'm also the one who saw a lady naked by barging inside her bathhouse. Mrs. Gainsborough, either you're mentally challenged or you're in a Stockholm syndrome. Either way, serve my purpose."

"We can play it, either way, Mr. Wankstein. If you're starting to use a term that I don't understand, I conclude that either you don't want me to know or you have a lot of secrets in particular."

"A man has a lot of secrets, Mrs.Gainsborough. And so does a woman, does it make them special? No. I can see you're clearly an anomaly."

"And I wonder what makes you said that."

"For the start, your beauty is a problem, you're quite charming, unlike the first meeting. My guess? You're an outcast from the rest of the king's children, wanted to be an adventurer, and did some dangerous stuff while your brothers and sisters were studying how to manage the kingdom. Trying to hide your feminism by wearing heavy armor and dressing in a masculine way. Either way, the king knows how to spot an anomaly and put it away."

"What a compliment. You must be very skillful with a woman. Even though I can't forget the fact that you barged into my bathhouse," Rosa finished her talk before the waiter delivered her food and their wine.

"Please, go ahead," Gerald said as he pulled the cork from the bottle using the cork opener.

He poured the red wine to the glasses as Rosa started to eat her food. She ate that food slowly.

"This is mine, this one is yours," he said and he gave Rosa a glass.

"For our first date," Gerald said as he grabbed the wine glass.

"Cheers" and they enjoyed their first date.