In the large kitchen, the lamb was rotating on top of a fireplace. Laura and Gerald were rotating the lamb together. Gerald was the one who rotating it while Laura was the one that maintains the fire using her fire spell. They had been cooking for seven hours. The smell was very pleasant.
"Could I glaze it again?" Laura asked him as he held a bowl with a paintbrush.
"Sure, more flavor equals more deliciousness," Gerald replied to her as he continued to rotate the lamb.
As he cooked the lamb, he could hear footsteps in the hallway. It was the sleeping beauty that just woke up from the bed. She held a sword on his right hand. Laura was amused looking at her waking up.
"Princess. You're finally awake. Mr. Wankstein and I are making dinner for you," Laura cheerfully said to her.
"Laura, the demon has gone into your minds. Don't worry, I will remove the demon from your minds," the princess said to her.
Gerald carried the lamb that had been cooked to a metal tray. He put the last glaze on top of it and said to the princess, "Am I looking like the guy that would kill you? No? Why don't we be civilized and talk?" He said as he carved the meat.
The princess sighed and put her sword back to the holster, "Fine, I think I lost, you've won demon."
"Princess, it's alright. He is not hostile to us, he took care of us for the last four weeks," Laura said to her.
"And here I go, I venture to the dark side of the great holy war and side with the demon," The princess said in disappointment as she pats Laura's head.
"Hohoho, you're still misunderstanding me. Maybe there won't be any misunderstanding again after this dinner," Gerald said to him.
"Fine, what do you need?" The princess asked him.
"Dress nice and we will meet at the dining hall. In the meantime, maybe you can take a bath first, Laura can guide you on taking off those diapers. Don't worry, I won't peep hehe," Gerald said as he carved the lamb, And started to cook the potato and the gravy.
"You..." The princess said as Laura pushed her like a stinky older sister to her bathroom. Gerald just let his laugh on as he continued to cook the food.
Laura and her beloved wannabe sister were in the bathhouse. They were taking a bath together. They were submerging themselves on the hot water pond that had been warmed up using their fire magic.
"Laura, why can we trust him?" The princess asked.
"Because he is caring, nice, and a mainly good person. He also takes care of me well enough when you're still asleep," Laura uttered to his princess.
"Will he stab us in the back?" The princess asked.
"He won't," Laura said.
"I still hate him," the princess said.
"You won't, you maiden," Laura tease the princess.
"Were you always like this?" The princess asked.
"Not always, but usually," Laura replied to her.
Later that night.
Gerald walked into the dining room where the princess was waiting for him with Laura. The princess wore a very very beautiful white dress. Laura was wearing her usual wear, a white shirt and a long black skirt. They were sitting in the large dining table.
"Who are you?" The princess asked him.
"Hehe, see, I told you won't recognize me," Gerald teased the princess.
Unlike before, he didn't wear his space combat armor. He wore a black suit with a black overcoat, his hair was polished and he had cleaned his face. He wore black shoes and a black tie. Overall, a very different man from before. He was a tall man with black hair and a 5 o'clock shadow mustache.
"Impossible, could it be?" The princess stood up in amazement and approached Gerald.
"Yes, I'm the demon. Surprised to see the real me?" Gerald teased the princess.
The princess gasped while looking at the real Gerald, not the armor covered Gerald, "you're a human all along?"
"Yes, I'm a human, all along. Why?" Gerald smiled at her.
"See, I told you that he is a good guy," Laura said from afar.
"So... I guess I owe you an apology then?" She asked Gerald.
"Don't mention it. It's not entirely your fault," Gerald said.
"So... I think we need a proper introduction first, what's your name?" The princess asked him.
"My name is Gerald Wankstein, your Royal Highness," He introduced himself in a formal manner, the cocky attitude was gone and it made the princess shocked.
"My name is Rosaline Gainsborough. I'm the last daughter of king Marshall Delafontaine. You can call me princess Rosa, or you can call me Rosa if you want to," She said.
"Now... Shall we eat?" Gerald asked Rosa to sit down and ate his food. They ate a lot of food, mainly because it was delicious. Especially Rosa, she hadn't eaten for a month. After they ate, Laura left to work on the dishes while Gerald and Rosa made a term for both of them.
"So... What is the current issue that I made from killing the men of yours?" Gerald asked the princess.
"Honestly, there were a lot of issues that you made from killing my men and my squad.
First, you tip the scale of balance by a lot in this great holy war, you might not know this, but the men that you killed was the best of the best that the kingdom could offer. One of them could kill three demons at once.
Second, you destroy the Kingdom's mech, three of them at once. You're going to drop the morale of the troops if they knew that their beloved Royal Guard got massacred by one man.
Third, I must report the progress of my Royal Guard to my father or I will be forced to live the boring life inside the castle and that report must be made by the end of this month which is 5 days from now.
Fourth, three of them, Laura, Harold, and Adrian are the best mech pilot in the academy. Now with only Laura, I must get a new pilot or firepower equal to three pilots.
Now that's the only thing that I can say about my problem. How about you?" Rosa asked Gerald.
"Thanks for the opportunity to talk, your Royal Highness. Ok, my request is simple.
First, my spaceship is broken. I need a place to stay, six years at minimal. I need to recharge for fuel.
Second, I need a guide and currently, my A.I is unreliable. So I need you to be a guide for me.
Third, and the last. What is your opinion?" Gerald finished his sentence and both of them came to a mutual understatement.
"So... The requirement for me is easy, but I won't do that until you agree to my term. But I have to know your motivation," Rosa said as she sipped on the red wine.
"To be honest, I'm happy for now. My kind has been a god in their own realm, so I don't have any objective for now. Maybe my objective was only to repair my ship," Gerald uttered.
"Just that, I can handle it I think. I think we can fulfill each other's needs," Rosa said.
"Great, then we can trust each other right?" Gerald said as he gave his hands to Rosa to shake her hand.
"I trust you, but I still don't like you," Rosa shook his hand and they form an informal truce between both of them.
Gerald would help her and Rosa would help him back in return. If Gerald is going to play as the muscle, Rosa would play as the brain. Suddenly, Laura barged in with a rag on her hands due to her finishing her dishes.
"So... When is the wedding ceremony?" She asked.
"The what?" Both of them shouted.
"Hiii, Mr.Wankstein. I'm just joking. You promise me to show me one of your spaceship collections," Laura said to him.
"You never forget my promise aren't you?" Gerald grabbed Laura's back and they went outside of the estate together with Rosa following him from behind.
They walked to a very large opening in the grassland. They waited there in the middle of freezing winter night. They didn't wear any heat protective clothing.
"So... Where is the thing that you called "spaceship"?" Rosa asked.
"There," he pointed his hands at the empty spot in the grassland.
"What? Are you joking?" Rosa shouted at him again.
"Princess Rosa, you must be patient when you are looking at Mr.Wankstein magic," Laura said to her, and Gerald just laughed it off.
"Clarisse, Disable the stealth camouflage for the Federal Corvette," Gerald shouted.
The empty grassland in front of them suddenly turned into a gigantic spaceship in the grassland. Its height was 28 meters, the length was 200 meters and with a width of 100 meters. The citizen of the planet, Laura and Rosa, were agape when they saw the ship.
"Call us monkey, but you are right when you said that your tech level is far above us," Rosa looked up at the ship as her mouth was wide opened.
"Let's get in," A ramp appeared from the spaceship and they entered through it. They were greeted by the announcer that said, "Welcome to the ship, sir."
A sprayer started to spray chemicals at them. It was a disinfectant to kill any potential biological weapon. "Sterilization complete. Commander brought three guests. Initiating guest procedure."
A glass of cold champagne showed from a slot in the black spaceship wall. Gerald gave the champagne to them and they walked while touring the big ship.
"Welcome to my smallest power projector. Federal class corvette, she is equipped with enough firepower to project power," Gerald walked around the spaceship with them.
The first floor was a black room with a lot of doors and compartment, mainly for the weapons and equipment. The black interior of the ship combined the elements of tactical and elegancy. The black wall was decorated with a white elegant line.
They took a turn to a door that was called a lift. They entered that room and Gerald pushed a button and all of a sudden, their bodies felt heavier. "Calm, it's an elevator."
He took them to living quarters. There were three bedrooms there. Gerald took them to one of the bedrooms. "Here is one of the examples of room in this ship. Maybe you won't find it to your liking, but this is the best I can get for now."
It was a very huge and futuristic bedroom with a very large bed, and there was a window like a screen near the bed. Because of the level of tech, it's hard to know whether it was a screen or a real window. The bed was huge and very comfy.
Each bathroom had its own personal bathroom which was big. The bathroom including accommodation such as soap, shampoo, and many other things.
"Wow, I never have seen anything like this before as a princess."
"Me neither," Laura said.
"Why is this soap smells like a flower? Mine was smell like wood ash," Rosa said as she sniffed at the bar of soap.
"I can relate to that since I haven't taken a bath using real soap. I've stayed in that estate for a month you know? I use what I can get," Gerald commented.
"I see that that's why you are get used to the smell of wood ash," Laura said as they left the personal bedroom and went for the kitchen.
The kitchen was just like any ordinary kitchen with electric stoves and fridge and counter. There was also an automated machine that could produce food on its own.
"What's that box?" Rosa asked.
"It's called the microwave. I can heat foods with that," Gerald replied as the two planet citizens were overwhelmed by the amount of technology that was there.
"I have no more comments, the technology level is certainly much more advanced than mine," Rosa said.
The kitchen also included a dining table with four chairs inside of it. It was conditioned for that. The next room was the armory.
It was a room with a lot of racks that contained weapons. It ranged from a standard-issue smart pistol to a portable railgun. Rosa was having some traumatic experience when they saw the armory.
"The thing... That slaughtered my men are a survival kit?" Rosa said as he looked around the advanced armory that had every weapon that Gerald had in his arsenal.
"Yes, this is one of my assault rifles. Lastimosa Armory Assault Rifle. In short, L-Star," Gerald said as he showed Rosa an energy rifle.
It had the ability to kill a heavily armored person in one shot back in the 3000 of old age, it was a relic in the past that got upgraded many times. Now, it just sat there in the armory waiting for its user to use it again.
"Hmm, what is this sir?" Laura grabbed an SMG from one of the racks in the armory.
It was an FR-90, a ballistic PDW. It was designed after the ancient weapon P-90, it was chambered in 5.6x55mm caseless ammo. The bullet got accelerated by magnetic force and producing decent enough ballistic penetration for personal defense.
"Ah, that's an FR-90, a personal defense weapon, the recoil is so light that even a grandma in her wheelchair can operate it,' Gerald commented.
Rosa grabbed a very huge weapon, it was a shoulder-fired launcher. It was a weapon designed to destroy a titan or a mech. Similar to a rocket launcher, it was very powerful.
"Wait, don't push the trigger. You're going to kill us all. Haha, just kidding, the battery hasn't been inserted yet. It is a P-34, a plasma bolt cannon, designed to destroy a tank. It is very powerful, put it away please," Gerald said to Rosa.
"Can I keep this weapon Mr. Wankstein?" Laura asked.
"Later darling, please put it, for now, we will continue the tour to our last destination," Gerald told them as they got out of the armory.
They took the lift again to the top floor and arrived at the top of the ship, the cockpit. The place where everything on the ship was controlled. It had three pilot seats for three pilots and each of that shop had a hologram screen in front of it. The ship also had a very large window on the cockpit to see through.
"This is a boring room compared to the first one," Laura commented.
"Well, this is the cockpit where you can move this thing. Want to know? Please sit down on the seat," Gerald asked them.
Laura sat on the one seat in the back that is used for controlling the ship launched fighter while Rosa sat beside Gerald where she could control the weapon systems. But Gerald disabled that function until they learned how to do so.
"Clarisse, engage start-up sequence!"
"Copy that sir. All reactor Online. Shield Module Online, Weapon System Online, Frame Shift Drive Online, Thruster Online. The system checks complete, powering thrusters."
The ship lifted itself from the ground as the thruster beneath it started to glow. The ship floated on the sky like a boat on a lake.
"Clarisse, System Analysis."
[Vital System]
[Main reactor: Online]
[Auxiliary Reactor: Standby]
[Backup Power system: 100% fuel, standby]
[Battery: 100%]
[All thruster Online]
[Life Support System Online]
[Weapon System]
[2x 600PW ML-60I Beam Laser: ONLINE]
[3x 300mm GAU-109 rotary cannon: ONLINE]
[7x 150PW PL-35O Pulse Laser: ONLINE]
[10x 100mm GAU-29 rotary cannon: ONLINE]
[30x 30mm M108 Vulcan: ONLINE]
[100% ammunition reserve]
"Looks like we are ready to move. How about we take our guests to the place they wanted to go. What do you say, Clarisse?" Gerald asked his A.I.
"Affirmative sir," Clarisse said.
"Where both of you girls wanted to go?" Gerald asked the girls.
"The academy," Laura said.
"The capital," Rosa said.
"Fine, initiate orbital speed, Clarisse," Gerald said.
"Copy that. Engaging main thruster!" Clarisse said.
The spaceship flew at the sky and headed towards their destination, the capital, and the academy. The place where the girls wanted him to go.
"Wait, are we going to spend the night in this spaceship?" Rosa asked.
"I don't mind," Laura said.
"Neither do I," Rosa said.
"Up to you really, but the trip will only take six minutes," Gerald said as he moved the stick with his right hand and the thruster with his left hand.
"Six minutes? The trip that usually will take five days with a horse, only take six minutes?" Rosa got surprised and so did Laura, but she uttered it silently with a shocked face.
The spaceship continued to fly in the high altitude with its stealth camouflage turned on.
"Look, I have another offer for you Rosa? Want to live with me? Here?" Gerald asked her.
"I would like too, but how can I leave my estate? It was made for me by my father, I can't leave it," Rosa said to her.
"I formulate a plan for it later. Though, do you still hate me?" Gerald asked me.
"Quite a bit," Rosa answered.
"A bit? Haha, Where's the hate that I saw this morning. Even you tried to commit suicide. I was lucky that I have some leftover drugs in my SERE kit so I can restrain you," Gerald laughed.
"Well actually, after you stab me with your needle. I have a dream that I met every single one of my comrades in the royal guard," Rosa said.
"They scolded me for trying to suicide and they told me to forget about them. I asked why? And their answer was because they were happy to die fighting for the kingdom. They told me not to be sad and live for my own happiness."
"I try to search for my happiness and I hope that you are helping me to get it."
"Ooo, flattering."
The spaceship flew through the dark night straight towards the capital city of Ailenborough.