The Party

"What was that?" Gerald looked around, searching for any hostile targets.

"Look, " Laura pointed her hands upwards.

It was a lot of fireworks, a lot of them were coming from one direction, a very big floating island where a lot of floating ships were docked there. It was the castle where the king lives. The castle was surrounded by a very huge garden that was decorated with flowers with various colors. The white castle has many guests ranging from the old fellow to the son of many aristocrats.

"No one says the trip will be this quick. And look at us, still in our sweaty training suit, " Gerald said as they walked to the cabin to wake the princess up.

They opened the cabin door and he injected the counter drugs for the medicine to the princess's body. She woke up quickly and furious at Gerald.

"This is the second time in a row you inject something to me. What's the matter with you?" The furious princess said.

"Cmon dress up. We will be arriving in a short time, take a bath and wear the clothes, " Gerald said as he grabbed a towel from his rucksack and went to the bathroom outside the princess cabin. There was one, but Gerald preferred to bath outside so Laura and Rosa could take a bath together.

Gerald entered a large bathroom that has a tub and a pail, it suggested that the bathroom was a public one and it was reserved for the crew of the ships. He grabbed a pail when all of a sudden, the captain of the ship came into the bathroom, naked.

Gerald stopped taking a bath, he looked at the captain. In an awkward manner, the captain just standstill in the door of the bathroom. "Come in? What are you waiting for?"

"Mmm, I guess.." The captain entered that bathroom and started doing his own business.

"No homo, " Gerald said as he applied soap to his body.

They continued to take a bath together before a bunch of more male knights came and took a bath together with them. But, the captain and Gerald wouldn't give a damn about them because two men were gay while a lot of men were a brotherhood.

Gerald finished taking a bath and went back to the princess's room to wear his clothes. It could be heard that a few sounds were coming from the bathroom, looks like they were dressing and wearing makeup. Gerald wore the same clothes as before a black overcoat with a black suit, he also put a smart pistol inside his jacket pocket.

The women got out of the bathroom and they had worn their dress. Laura was wearing a cute white blue long sleeve dress and Rosa wore a very very beautiful white dress. Laura was storing a hidden smart pistol on her thigh.

"So... Are we ready?" Gerald said as he held his jacket cuff.

"I suppose, " Rosa said.

They got out of their room and headed for the upper deck where their servants should be waiting. And they were right a lot of maids and butlers were waiting for them. Maybe they were going to pick up their luggage.

Gerald gave Laura a small earpiece, it had the function to call Clarisse. Though, he gave it as a means of communicating to her. "You can talk to me about this. Although we are not meeting against each other face, " Gerald put the earpiece inside Laura's ear.

"Ok, I will take care of Rosa for you."

"Why don't you give me the same thing?" Rosa asked.

"You're too antique for this kind of thing, " Gerald said.

They walked to the castle, on the way, there were several attendances. Some of them looked respectful while the others looked like that hot-blooded young man that you would see in an ordinary meeting. Of course, most of them brought their whole families. Wifes, children, and husbands were gathering at the king's wedding.

The smell of flowers and burning gunpowder were filling the air that night. The knights were on guard for their king's wedding. There were archers on patrol on the roof, the security was right as hell.

Gerald: "Could you see the archer on the roof above?"

Laura: "I see them. Elf archers, talented since they are born. Their weapon is a traditional bow."

Gerald: "How dangerous are they?"

Laura: "Their eyes are sharp, their aim is good, but the range wasn't their biggest advantage."

Gerald: "That's why you use a heavy crossbow?"

Laura: "Yes, it has a bigger range, but I take around 10 seconds to reload it. It has triple the range, but it is a pain to use it."

They continued to walk and the saw something big was laying down in the forest near the castle. After further identification, it was a mech that uses staff.

Gerald: "Mechs, 2, and 11 o'clock."

Laura: "I see that. Both are long-range types. Their staff can fire a projectile precisely."

Gerald: "I see."

They entered the castle eventually and Gerald was amazed by the quality of everything. He got the impression that everything was made from gold. The candlelight was gold stained, the maids were holding something similar to a gold tray. The white wall has many windows which were very authentic.

Gerald got the impression that everyone was glaring at him. The wives, the children, everyone glared at him.

"Why everyone is looking at me?" Gerald asked Rosa.

"You are handsome. Is it that hard to believe?" Rosa answered.

The men looked at him in anger and the women were looking at him with lust. Ladykiller was quite the right term for that person. Gerald really caught the attention in that ballroom because he was a new person that walked right beside the princess.

Gerald: "Could you take Rosa away from me? We need to divert our attention."

"What? Why should I go away from you?"  Rosa asked?

Laura: "Copy that sir. Have a good hunt."

Gerald walked away from her to take the attention away from them. He blended into the crowd, but it was hard to do that because he felt that he had eyes that were watching him on every movement.

He walked to a bar where there was a bartender that was waiting for him. Maybe the king's personal bartender. He asked him for a drink, " Gin Martini please."

"Shaken or stirred?"

"Up to you."

He waited on the bar chair of the bar until a woman approached her. She wore very attractive clothing. It was a term that she wore a very sexy outfit. Gerald saw her and tried to keep her focus, but something else popped upon his mind, 'time to be a predator.'

"Mind if I ask you some question." She asked.

"Depends on the question, " he sipped his martini.

"It has to do something with marriage."

"Well, one can be never too careful when a woman approached a man that has the glare of every single woman in the whole room. It just a thing that comes and goes, what do you think?"

"I think so. What's your name young man?"

"My name is Wankstein, Gerald."

"My name is Emmeline Gainsborough."

"Are you her royal highness mother?"

"Yes, I was. I am a concubine of the king. How's is she? Is she ok? I'm glad that she founds a nice man, " She said.

"Oh, I'm glad that I found her royal highness mother. Why don't you see your daughter?" Gerald asked.

"I'm dead on her eyes. The king told her lies all the time. But I prefer that she acknowledges her royal majesty as her mother, " She said.

"So... I shouldn't tell her about you. Why? If I may ask ma'am, " Gerald said.

"It's because I was the head of the rebellions that happened around 40 years ago. The king got me good, I wish Rosa just grew up to be another princess, but there is something different in her that the other children, " she said.

"Why so?"

"Since she was little, she is more interested in the military than the kingdom's management. Because of that, she grew up in the capital and not on this island. Rosa didn't deserve that all, though, I'm a bit proud that she becomes the leader of the Royal Guards."

"I see, should I tell her that you are alive or not?" Gerald asked as he stood up from the stool.

"No, but please give her this letter. I want to meet her this evening, but it is better to give it to you. By the time she reads that, I will have passed away, " She said.

"Are you used to using body strengthening spell?" Gerald asked.

"Yes, I hope that my daughter doesn't repeat the same mistake as her mothers do. I'm using drugs to boost my blood circulation, though it just fastens my death time. The vein has popped up one by one, I should return to my bed. I prefer to die there than in this place, " she said as she stood up.

"Do you want to stay alive?" Gerald offered.

"No thank you, young man. I just want to pass away quietly, " She said.

"Hmmmph, I see it then. God bless your soul, " Gerald said.

He stood up and headed for the dining room, the ceremony was over because they came late to the wedding. That night was the party and other celebrations.

Laura: "Code red sir."