Gerald ran to the location where Laura was standing. According to his watch, she was standing in a dark empty alleyway located outside of the palace. She found her arguing with the guards on gaining entry.
"I'm a captain. I deem entry from your superior officer, " Laura said to the soldiers that in her way.
"I'm sorry ma'am, but I can't do that. The king's order is absolute."
Laura: "Could you lend me a hand."
Two bullets flew straight to the guards' heads. They dropped dead in the ground and Laura brought out her smart pistol and attached a suppressor to it.
"Clear for now. Let's continue before someone notices dead guards here," Gerald said as he told Laura to lead the way.
They went across the outdoor hallway, there was fear of the elf archers spotting them from afar. Still, they weren't detected yet, so the situation still under control. But the area beyond the guards was off-limit so it was expected that none of the guests would be there.
"What happened?" Gerald asked.
"Let's just say that everything went FUBAR," Laura said.
"FUBAR? Why?"
"Suddenly, when I was looking around for the king. The guards apprehended her and took her away and I followed them until I got interrupted by the guards," she said.
"Is she going to be executed?" Gerald said as they hid behind the corner.
"No idea, but I don't think so. Executing the princess won't bríng anything. It wouldn't be noticed by anyone. The disappearance of the Royal Guards and the fact that the rumor exists won't make any bigger difference between whether she is alive or not," Laura said.
"So she is dead but alive?" Gerald asked.
They arrive in front of a very large white wooden door. It was as tall as 15 meters and was locked. Laura and Gerald tried to find where the lock was, but lady luck hadn't given her blessing yet.
"Find a lock?" Gerald asked.
"Not yet, I haven't seen the door with this kind of mechanism in my entire life," Laura said.
"Your life is short, isn't it? You've only lived for 16 years," Laura said.
"Yes," Laura looked around the floor for some sort of hidden mechanism.
Gerald crawled and tried to find anything hidden with his hands, and he tried something unordinary.
"Laura, lift your foot," Gerald said as Laura obeyed that command and lift one of her shoes.
Gerald came closer to her and licked her the bottom part of her shoes, "Hmm, I have to find something that tastes different than this."
He started licking the floor to find other footsteps that taste different from those shoes. Laura just stood there while looking in disgust.
"Hey, any magic that can mark footsteps or anything? Do you have clairvoyance of some sort?" Gerald asked.
"I have one for the latter and that spell shows me the way and we must get through that door," Laura said.
"Prove it!" Gerald said as he wiped his numb lips.
"Clyrvoyance!" A stream of white light appeared in front of them at that light went through that door.
"Ok then. I guess this door has a biometric lock of some kind. It is proven by the lack of locks. We have two options, the quiet way or the loud way," Gerald said.
"Biometric what?" Laura asked.
"Only the king and his bloodline that could enter. I think I smell something nasty here. Is there another entrance besides this?" Gerald said.
"There is, but that entrance must be heavily guarded and only maids and butlers could enter. We need to get through this door," Laura said.
"Can we just dress as a butler or a maid?" Gerald asked.
"I can, but you can't. You're too handsome to be a butler," Laura said.
"Ok, so what's the plan for me?" Gerald asked.
"Ok, so the plan is to bring one of the princesses or one of the princes here. So you need to seduce one of them." Laura said.
"I never think about that, but I think I get the idea," Gerald said as he walked out of that room.
They noticed the dead bodies of the guards and they must hide it somewhere. Laura got an idea and they put it in a wardrobe and locked the wardrobe so no one would notice it.
They arrived back at the party and noticed that the Royal families were scattered everywhere. The plan was to enter the inner section of the palace.
"Find a good size ok?" Gerald commented.
"Yes," Laura went hunting for a maid that has the same size as her.
'Now, who is my target,' he looked around and searched for a member of the Royal families. It was easy because the way they dress was quite different from the others.
He had multiple options. He could use some sort of rape drugs and brought her to her rooms which were unethical. He could seduce her easily, but it's going to take some time. Either way, the victim must be half-drunk.
Then he saw her, a brown-haired beauty that was drinking in a bar. Her criteria matched the criteria of a royal family. She wasn't Rosaline's mother, so it safe to say that she had the king's blood.
He approached the bar again, but this time he ordered a different drink. "Give your strongest whiskey."
The princess bit into the bait. She noticed that as the bartender gave Gerald a shot of whiskey with a ball of ice.
"That's is a strong drink don't you think?" She commented.
"I like my drink like I like my woman, strong," he said as he gulped down the whiskey in one shot. "Do you think you can do it, your Royal Highness?"
"Do you think I come to this place for nothing? I order the same thing," the bartender gave her a shot of that whiskey.
"Ooh, I don't think a royalty can handle a drink as strong as this," Gerald said as he grabbed the whiskey from the bartender's hand. He poured it into the princess's glass. He took another shot and both of them got involved in a drink competition.
But Gerald wasn't a fool, time wasn't on his side. The latter option became the only option, using rape drugs. Inside his watch, he dropped microparticles inside the princess's drink. The effect should be seen shortly after that.
The princess started to get dizzy after that, the effect of the drugs was indistinguishable from the effect of alcohol. All he had to do is to convince her to open that door.
"Are you ok your Royal Highness?" Gerald asked.
"I'm fine. I'm a bit dizzy. I need to go to my room," she tried to stand up but failed miserably.
"Here, let me help you," Gerald carried the princess in a bridal manner and the whole room looked at him in a thick aura of jealousy.
"Where is your room?" Gerald asked as he got out of that hallway and headed straight to that ancient door which was biometrically locked.
"Through that door then turn right," the princess said as the door that was previously locked now automatically opened without him having to say a word.
The room after that was a bigger room that Gerald found to be creepy. There were lots of paintings and he felt as if the paintings were looking at him. He also noticed a maid who was cleaning the painting was none other than Laura. 'Special forces are scary,' he thought when he saw her smiling at him.
He entered the princess's room and laid her down on her bed. But she was trying to seduce him, "Won't you stay longer with me?" She said.
"Why should I refuse?" Gerald said as he approached the princess's neck.
He stabbed her with the paralysis drugs that she used on Rosa. The princess went to sleep immediately. 'Now that's one loose end that is taken care of.'
Laura opened the door of her room with a smart pistol on her hands. It looked as she was going to kill the princess or she would subdue her.
"Sir, let's move out and search for her. By the way, I find this suit. Use it, I will take care of the rest," she said as he threw him a butler outfit.
"You said that I'm too handsome to disguise as a butler," Gerald complained.
"Well, yes and no. This time we need it if we want to progress further. I saw a guard that started tightening their patrol. Any disguise will be better than no disguise at all," Laura said as Gerald took off his jacket and replaced it with the outfit that Laura gave. At least, he didn't need to take off his pants.
He put his pistol inside the new jacket pocket and Laura destroyed his new tailored jacket with a fire spell. 'What a waste,' he thought as he saw his burning jacket.
"I will go out first. Take this tray, we will be incognito," Laura gave her a tray with a teapot.
He grabbed the tea tray and went out of the other princess's room. He followed Laura because she was the only one that has a clairvoyance spell.
Laura: "Guards up ahead. Keep your cools."
They walked passed the guards naturally.
The inner part of the palace was fancier than the ballroom where the party was happening. Though, it was so empty that it felt very awry.
Gerald: "Let's finish this up quickly and get out of here. Have any plan?"
Laura: "I can do something. But yeah, we must first get out of here."
Gerald: "Do you really need me or can you do this alone?"
Laura: "Four hands are better than two."
They arrived at a door, but that wasn't a door for a bedroom was it? It was a full metal door with a large lock on it. There was only one way they could open it.
Gerald: "I don't bring any thermite. Do you can open it?"
Laura: "Leave me to it."
She melted the lock and the door now could be opened. They found themselves entering a bedroom that they never find before.
"Whose room is this?"
The room was felt so surreal, full of a mysterious aura. It has the same feeling as visiting a room where the owner had died. Everything seemed to be very unreal.
Everything was awkwardly in place and tidy, but it had the impression that nobody entered that room for a very very long time. Everything was seemed to be out of place.
"Hmm, a dark and gloomy room located behind a locked door? What can possibly this room is hiding," Laura commented as they started to investigate that room.
"No window, a dim lamp, anyone who owns this room must have an extensive amount of liking to a dark thing," Gerald commented.
"I agree," Laura said to assure her that something was off-limits.
Gerald took off his shoes and noticed a wet feeling on his knee. It must be something.
"Why are you taking off your shoes?" Laura asked.
"Barefoot is more sensitive. Besides, I can only see grey or black in this room. This could be water or else, " He said as he put his hands on the black liquid.
Laura licked his finger and tasted that black liquid, "This is blood, " Laura said as Gerald reflectively followed that black liquid and it guided them through a bathroom.
"My pleasure, " Laura said as she opened the bathroom door.
They opened the bathroom and what they found was expected and their biggest fear became as real as they expected.
"Laura, Code red."