Overdressed 3.1

Chapter 3

"Concentrate, play your game, and don't be afraid to win." - Amy Alcott

"I miss warm showers." Lexie groaned. She was in the club comfort room, wiping herself with wet towels. She wants to shower so bad, but had no choice, there isn't really any bathroom available for her.

After the staff left, she immediately went to the comfort room to clean herself up. After wiping herself she sat on one of the booths, looking inside her bag. She took out all her clean clothes, trying to decide what to wear tonight. She already wore her simplest outfit, and they don't have a laundry machine here - not like she knew how to use those anyway, she had no other choice but to wear what ever is left. In the end she decided on a gray sparkly skirt and a white blouse. Once dressed, she lay on the booth, thinking about her day.

She didn't know if she could continue doing this, how could she clean a comfort room everyday? Her stomach might not be able to handle it. She tossed and turned on the small space, almost falling a few times, until she finally drifted off to sleep.


"Why did you even hire her? She's slow, she's distracting, she's not really very good at her job…Are you just gonna let me keep listing stuff?" Nathan was complaining to Kaylee while they were on their way home. Kaylee was driving Nathan since his place is on the way.

"How is she distracting?" Kaylee took a quick look at Nathan on the passenger side.

"What? Is that all you heard?" Nathan was annoyed.

"Kinda. How is she distracting?" Kaylee was a little amused, it's fun to see Nathan annoyed.

"She obviously doesn't belong."

"I wouldn't say obvious…"

"It is, it's obvious. I mean have you looked at her?" Nathan remembers watching Lexie clean up a table as a bus girl, she was obviously not in her element. She avoided touching the food on the table and used tissue papers instead. Nathan also heard her almost throw up when she was cleaning the comfort room.

"How much have you actually looked at her?" Kaylee was still teasing Nathan. Of course she realized Lexie didn't exactly belong. But for whatever reason, she seemed like she needed help, and Kaylee isn't someone who would just let someone else starve.

"Stop it." Nathan crossed his arms to his chest, visibly annoyed. "Seriously Kay, get rid of her."

Kay? Nathan only calls her that way when he's really serious. Kaylee stopped in front of Nathan's place. He didn't even notice they were already here.

"Look Nathan, I don't know what you have against that girl, but she obviously needs money right now and we need help at the bar. Yeah she's slow, and not exactly good at it, but she's doing it." Kaylee was looking straight at Nathan.

Nathan just left without saying anything, still annoyed. With a scowl, he made his way to his apartment. Nathan always hated the rich, they are manipulative and selfish. They use people and never have to worry about the consequences. He just had too many experience with those kind of people to know that he should never trust them. And Lexie, from the first time they met he knew she was obviously one of them. Just look at her, how she's dressed, how she moves. The rich always have their chins held high, walking so proud, like they're better than everyone else. He hated them.


"Yo 21. This isn't that kind of bar you know." Nathan kicked the bottom of the booth seat, jolting Lexie awake. She looked around and saw Nathan standing at the foot of the seat, arms folded on his chest.

"What?" She sat up, still groggy. "What time is it?"

Nathan tilted his chin, pointing at her legs. Lexie looked down and noticed her skirt lifted up during her sleep. A few inches and her underwear would be showing. She quickly pulled her skirt down feeling her face getting red. Not even 24 hours and he's making me blush again.

Nathan watched as her face turned into a tomato, he was amused but refused to let it show. He came to the bar early today, upon entering he expected to see Lexie but she was nowhere. He walked around and finally found her sleeping soundly, she looked so peaceful sleeping, lightly snoring. It was still early, he knew he didn't have to wake her up yet but her skirt was barely covering her thighs, he didn't want to leave her laying around looking like that. What if the others arrive.

He shook his head and left Lexie alone. He wasn't concerned, he told himself. He was just being descent, I mean who would leave a kid that way?

Lexie on the other hand couldn't even look up at Nathan. How long had he been standing there? Was he watching her sleep? What did he see? Oh my god! She put her head on her hands, feeling dejected. Stupid skirt.

After a few minutes, the staff arrived one by one.

"I love the outfit!" Jana was looking Lexie up and down. "You look chic!"

"Really? Isn't it a bit too much?" Lexie asked, a little self conscious. It's a new feeling for Lexie, she's not really the self-conscious type, she always had so much confidence especially about how she's dressed. She never minded standing out, in fact she loved it, she loved having everyone's attention, how people followed her with their eyes. But it's different now, now she can't stand out, she's supposed to blend in.

"No way, you look awesome!" Jana winked at her, making her feel better.

"Yeah, you look good!" Mark suddenly butting in. He went closer to Lexie, about to put his arms around him but stopped when she stepped back, eyebrows raised.

"Woah… Sorry girl." Mark had both his arms raised, looking innocently at Lexie. "Didn't mean to scare you… Or to be creepy… I'll keep my hands to myself, got it."

Lexie wasn't used to other people touching her without her consent, which was why she was a bit shocked when Mark came a little too close. Before, not just anyone was allowed to touch her, or to even be near her. It really did seem like it was an honest mistake, Mark looked genuinely sorry.

"No, it's okay. I'm sorry, I was just surprised." Lexie playfully bumped Mark's shoulders to ensure him that it was okay.

As the three laugh, they heard a scoff as someone passed by.

Lexie watched the back of the bartender with his tousled hair walk away.