Ground Rules 7.1

Chapter 7

"There's a difference between fair game and playing games." - Hilary Clinton

"I really don't want to trouble anyone. I'll be fine." The car was parked on the street in front of Nathan's apartment. The whole 15 minute drive Lexie and Kaylee had been going back and fourth about where Lexie would be staying. And they are still not done.

"And it's really no trouble." Kaylee insisted.

"But. No, really, I have other places…" Lexie was still trying.

"No one believes that Lexie."


"Seriously, it's okay…"

"Enough!" Finally, after keeping quiet the whole time, Nathan spoke up. "Okay 21, do you really have somewhere to go? Answer honestly." Nathan had turned in his seat to look at Lexie.

"Yes." Lexie answered in a beat.

"Then where? Give us a specific place and we will drop you off." Nathan was so serious.

"You don't have to." Lexie answered. Kaylee was about to interject but Nathan spoke again.

"It's not your choice. Either you tell us where or you get out of the car and never show your face again."

Lexie looked at Nathan, wide eyed. He looked so serious, I guess he couldn't keep listening to me and Kaylee. She sighed and finally admitted the truth. "Fine. I don't have an exact place right now, but I can figure something out."

"Okay then. So you can stay with me while you figure things out. Done."

"But…" Lexie wanted to decline.

"I swear to god Lexie…" Nathan cut her off.

Hearing Nathan who sounded so serious, Lexie couldn't bring herself to argue. "Fine."

"Fine." Nathan got out of the car without even saying anything.

After a few moments, Lexie came to her senses and followed Nathan out, dragging her luggage with her. She thanked Kaylee and run to catch up with Nathan. When she got to his apartment Nathan was already inside. He left the door open and Lexie carefully entered, looking around. Kaylee drove away amused at the two.

Nathan's apartment isn't really that big, but it isn't small, it's not cramped. As she entered the door, she saw the living room. There is a faded green couch near the wall facing a flat screen tv, one rocking chair on the side of the couch, in the middle is a coffee table.

"Will you come in already and close the door." Nathan interrupted Lexie as she looked around. Somehow, he felt self-conscious as he watched her look around. Like she was judging his place, his house, his things. He forced himself to push the feeling away.

Lexie did as told and stepped inside the house, closing the door behind her. She stood there looking at Nathan, not moving.

"Kitchen and dining over there." Nathan pointed to the left side of the house." And here is my room. I only have one room so you'll be staying at the couch." He pointed behind him towards an open door.

Lexie could see his bed through the door, the sheets were bunched up, pillows scattered all over. She just nodded.

"Aren't you gonna say anything?" Nathan asked.

"Uhmm.." Lexie thought of anything she wanted to ask.

"If you're worried or anything, don't. I don't have any interest in kids, I like girls that are more…experienced." Nathan smirked.

Lexie was about to glare at Nathan but caught herself in the last minute, instead she glared at the floor. "I'm not a kid!" She mumbled.

Nathan laughed. "Were you disappointed?"

This time, Lexie directed her glare towards Nathan. "Of course not."

"Whatever." Nathan turned towards his room, still laughing. "Get some rest kid, let's talk ground rules later."

"Wait!" Suddenly Lexie thought of something.

"What?" Nathan turned his head.

"Where's the bathroom?" Lexie asked, already excited to finally be able to take a warm shower.

Nathan's face hardened, then looked troubled, then annoyed. Lexie watched the changes in his expression. In the end Nathan let out a breath. "It's over here." He said walking to his room.

Lexie followed. Nathan pointed to a door on the side of his room. "There."

"Oh." Lexie answered looking longingly at the door. So she has to pass by him every time she wants to shower? Or pee??

Nathan went to lay on his bed, leaving Lexie by the door. "You can use it if you want."

"Oh. Yes. Thanks." Lexie went back to the living room, she opened her luggage and took out everything she needs, then tiptoed towards the bathroom passing Nathan who was playing on his phone.


Nathan was pacing by the foot of his bed, he wanted to pee so badly. He looked at his phone, it has been more than 30 minutes since she went in. "What the hell is she doing in there?" He muttered to himself. He continued to pace, holding his pee for 10 more minutes.

Inside the bathroom / comfort room, after enjoying her first warm shower after god-knows how long, Lexie dried herself, making sure to keep everything clean and tidy. She looked back at the room, making sure everything was good before stepping out.

As he heard the door open, he stopped and looked. Lexie's hair was unkempt, wet, dripping little droplets of water on the gray V-neck shirt that she was wearing, a shirt that Nathan recognized, it was the shirt she wore on her first day at the bar. She was also wearing a gray sweatpants. That was the only sweatpants Lexie has, she already made a mental note to buy more when she can afford to.

She stood there barefoot.

Lexie saw as Nathan studied her from head to foot. She shifted and Nathan cleared his throat.

"About time." He muttered and walked past her into the bathroom / comfort room and slammed the door behind him.

Lexie looked around the room, it was actually tidy, there isn't that much clatter around. There was a tall plant beside the bed although she didn't know what kind of plant it was, on the other side of the room, the middle part of the wall is a big shelf, there were some books, one picture frame but she couldn't see the picture from where she was standing, on the top shelf there were various unopened bottles of booze, on the shelf below different types of glasses, from wine glasses to shot glasses.

Lexie jumped when she heard the door open behind her, she could feel herself blushing.

"What are you still doing there?" Nathan asked, confused as to why she haven't move.

"Nothing." Lexie answered without looking at him, she went to the living room with her head down, using her hair to cover her red cheeks.

Nathan watched as she left, still confused but decided not to do anything about it.