After 6.2

As Lexie stood and went around the bar gathering her things, Nathan took her seat.

"Can she stay with you?" Kaylee asked.

Nathan looked up at Kaylee, she was looking at Lexie. "No way."

"Oh come on. Could you stop being so selfish, the girl obviously has nowhere else to go." Kaylee was now looking at the man in front of her.

"Not my problem." Nathan shrugged.

Kaylee was starting to get annoyed at Nathan, but she noticed a small change in his expression. He's concerned about her.

"So are you just gonna let her sleep out in the streets? You know I would take her if I could but my place is barely big enough for the three of us and Joshua is coming tomorrow." Kaylee watched Nathan, she could see him thinking.

Joshua, that guy is coming? Nathan thought. He hated that guy. Joshua was one of those people who dreamed of being rich, I mean everyone does but Joshua, that guy. He only made friends with rich people, only went to their events, their parties. He worked hard to belong, he tried hard. He knew Kaylee mentioned Joshua on purpose. Just to force him to take Lexie in. "Fine." And it worked.

"What?" Kaylee asked although she heard him.

"I said fine. She can stay with me for a while." Nathan stood up. "I'll wait outside." He left feeling slightly annoyed at Kaylee for manipulating him this way and super annoyed at himself for falling for it. Although he would never admit it, he didn't like the idea of Joshua being anywhere near Lexie.

Kaylee laughed as she watched Nathan leave. "That was easy."


Lexie went to Kaylee after gathering all her belongings. Lexie's shoulders were drooping as she dragged her luggage, stuffed with her stuff.

"I'm sorry Kaylee. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to make such a mess, to cause trouble, but please can you give me another chance? I swear I'll fix this. I'll even pay for all the damages, just take it out of my pay."

"What?" Kaylee looked at Lexie, confused.

"Please just one more chance. I mean, you can kick me out, it's fine but please don't fire me. I really need this job." Lexie was looking at Kaylee hard, her eyes were pleading.

"What are you saying? I'm not firing you." Kaylee laughed as she helped Lexie carry her luggage.

"I'm not?" Lexie asked, not sure if she heard it right.

"Of course not."

"Oh. Thank you." Lexie sighed a breath of relief. Good, she still has a job.

They walked to the car where Nathan was waiting, he was standing, leaning on the passenger seat door looking annoyed as he watched them.

"Let's go eat something. Are you hungry?" Finally seated inside the car, Kaylee on the driver's seat, Nathan at the passenger's seat, and Lexie at the back with her luggage. Kaylee asked Lexie, looking at her through the rear-view mirror.

"Oh, no." Lexie lied. Just then, her stomach rumbled, loud enough for everyone in the car to hear.

At that, Nathan laughed.

Kaylee was reminded of the night she hired Lexie, she had asked her the same question, Lexie also lied back then but was betrayed by her stomach. "My treat." She said as she started the car engine.


"I think I know them. Or at least I can imagine them." Kaylee was thinking hard.

The three were seated in a cafe, as they ate their meal Lexie told them about everything that happened this morning. She was now describing the two burglars.

"They did mention that they've been going to the bar a couple of times." Lexie answered in between bites.

"Yes, I think remember them." Kaylee nodded remembering the two men she had once asked Jana to keep an eye on. It was the night when Lexie was wearing that gray skirt of hers, she only wore it once in the bar. Normally, Kaylee wouldn't have remembered those two, but that night they were being extremely noisy, they kept trying to get Lexie's attention and almost started to get rowdy when Kaylee asked Jana to not let Lexie near their table. With how Lexie described them, Kaylee was definitely sure it was those two.

"Have you seen them around?" Nathan asked the two but he was looking at Kaylee, watching her expression. He can see the wheels turning in her head.

"I honestly don't remember. I barely remember the faces of our customers. But I'm sure I'd be able to identify them if I see them again." Lexie answered, finishing every last strand of her pasta, she was almost tempted to lick the plate.

"Do you want more?" Nathan asked, now looking at Lexie. She finished her food but was still looking at her plate, how much can this girl eat? She already ate a plate of fries and finished her pasta.

"huh?" Lexie looked up from her plate, Nathan was looking at her and for a second she was taken aback. Nathan was looking at her with concern, like there was warmth in his eyes somehow. It reminded Lexie of how he looked at her that one night when he saw her crying. Now, he almost looks like that, just not as intense.

Nathan cleared his throat and looked away. "I mean, I'm not paying anyway." He was a bit flustered when Lexie stared at her. He was already used to Lexie watching him, he always noticed it when she watched him at work, in fact he sometimes try to look cool when she's watching, but he's not used to her looking him in the eye. Like a while ago.

"Yeah, just get anything you want." Kaylee said as she finished her own plate.

"Oh, no, I'm full thanks." Lexie was extremely thankful for the meal she had, she didn't want to take advantage. She thought of all the times she didn't finish her food before, at the times she would only take a bite and - not liking the taste - completely disregard the plate before her. She had always been a picky eater but after going through two days with barely anything to eat, she learned to appreciate food more.


After their meal they all stood up to go. As they made their way to the car Lexie already came up with a plan for tonight. She was gonna stay at the park during the day and at a 24/7 diner for the night, she had done it once already, before she was hired at the bar. Her only problem now is how to part ways with the two without letting them know of her plan.

"Uhmm.. So, I'll just take my luggage and I'll see you tomorrow at the bar?" Lexie said as they reached the car.

"What do you mean?" Kaylee asked.

"What? Well… " Lexie didn't know how to answer. Ugh, she cursed herself internally, she used to be so good at lying, why can't she come up with anything now?

"Do you have somewhere to stay?" Kaylee was watching her.

"Oh, yeah. Just back over there." Lexie smiled, pointing her thumb over her shoulder."

"Where?" Kaylee wasn't buying it.

Nathan just stood there, listening to the exchange. He'd rather not say anything.

"Just over there. I don't exactly remember what the street name is, I just remember how the place look like."

"Oh come on kid, you're staying with us." Kaylee looked at her, then finally deciding she didn't believe Lexie. She unlocked the doors and climbed in.

"What? Who us?" Lexie got in the back.

"Well, not us. Nathan. You're staying with Nathan." Kaylee answered as she started the car engine once again.

"What??" Lexie's eyes widened in surprise. She looked at Nathan through the rear-view mirror, he was looking out the window avoiding her eyes, not saying anything, pretending not to hear.