Chapter 6
"Games are all about taking risks." - James Altucher, How To Master The Game Of Life
Lexie sat at the floor, exhausted. Looking at her watch she saw it was already 7am. It was no longer dark outside. She sat, waiting, waiting for someone, something, anything, she didn't know what else to do. Finally, there was a knock on the office door.
"Open up. This is the police!" Lexie heard a voice from the other side of the door. She stood up and went over the door, at first she hesitated but eventually decided to open it.
Outside the door she saw three men, two of them were wearing blue uniforms, and the other one she recognized as the man from the cafe. They're eyes met and the guy quickly moved towards her.
"Are you okay?" He asked, putting his arm on her shoulder, wanting to comfort her. Lexie flinched on the contact and the man quickly retracted his hand.
"I'm sorry, I'm just jumpy.Thank you." Lexie answered, looking up at the man.
"How are you doing? Are you hurt?" The man's hand hovered above Lexie's shoulder, not wanting to scare the girl again.
"I'm okay." Lexie looked around the bar, at the mess she made. Aside from the two policemen in front of her there were three more moving around the bar.
"Miss. We need to talk to you about what happened." One of the policemen approached her.
Lexie nodded and followed the man to the corner, sitting on one of the booths.
"What the hell happened?" Nathan sat at the passenger seat, practically screaming at Kaylee.
"I don't know." Kaylee answered. Although she sounded calm, her driving made it apparent that she wasn't. They were going over the speed limit, way over the speed limit.
"You don't know?? F***k Kaylee, we left the kid there!"
"I know Nathan! Why do you think I'm trying to get there as fast as I could??" Kaylee was starting to lose her temper.
Around fifteen minutes ago, a police officer called Kaylee to inform her that there was a break in at the bar and the first thing that came to her mind was Lexie. The person that called her didn't say anything about Lexie. She wouldn't be able to handle it if something happened to that girl. Kaylee felt extremely worried and guilty, it was her after all who suggested that Lexie sleep at the bar, it was her who hired Lexie in the first place. After the call from the officer, she immediately informed Nathan and took off. Now here they are, driving on the way and Nathan at the passenger seat screaming at her like she isn't already worried enough.
Nathan sighed and looked out the window. "Sorry." He shouldn't lose his temper, he knows Kaylee is already uneasy enough without him adding to it. It was just the shock of it.
Finally reaching their destination, Kaylee stopped the car in front of the bar not even bothering to park it properly. They raced to the entrance, they were greeted with several policemen moving around the bar. They looked around and saw shards of broken glass all over the floor. The smell of booze covering the floor was strong.
"Excuse me ma'am, sir, you can't be here." An officer stood in front of them, about to usher them out.
"I'm, we're the owners." Kaylee answered without looking at him, she was still looking around the bar. She noticed the door to the office was open, the door was also dirty like someone continuously kicked on it.
"Oh. Then, we're almost done with the statements, we just have to look around for a while and we'll be out of your hair. We would also ask you to check if anything was taken, if so we would need a list from you."
"Was there anyone here? When it happened?" Nathan asked from behind Kaylee.
"Oh yes, there was a girl. She's over there giving her statement." The officer informed them, pointing to the direction of the booths.
Kaylee and Nathan's eyes followed where the man was pointing at and both sighed a breath of relief upon seeing Lexie sitting in front of another police man. Her back was to them so she didn't see them yet.
"Thanks." Nathan answered quickly moving towards Lexie, leaving Kaylee to talk to the officer.
Lexie just finished giving her statement when a hand touched her shoulder from behind. She was startled at the sudden touch and jumped up shrieking and turning to see who the owner of the hand was. Everyone inside the bar turned to look at her in surprise, a police officer that was stationed outside peeked his head in the door, looking inside.
"Oh my God! Don't scare me!" Lexie screamed, her hands on her chest trying to steady her heart beat. Seeing Nathan's startled face, she suddenly burst out laughing.
Nathan was taken a back with the sudden scream from Lexie, she turned to look at him, her eyes were wide, scared. For a second he feared that the people who broke in did something to her and had caused her some sort of trauma, then suddenly she started laughing.
Lexie buckled over with laughter. "Oh my god, I'm sorry." She tried to talk through her laughter. "Your face."
The rest of the people at the bar looked at the scene before them with confusion. They looked on as the girl fell to the booth sit with laughter, the man stood before her frozen.
Lexie cleared her throat, her laughter subsiding into giggles. Finally she was able to talk, she took a deep breathe. Noticing everyone's eyes on her. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scream. I was just surprised." She was starting to giggle again but she stopped herself. "I'm okay, I'm fine. Really. You can all stop looking at me now." With that, everyone aside from Nathan went back to what they were doing.
"I think that's all we need for now. We'll just get in touch if we have more questions. Do we have your number?" The officer in front of Lexie stood, reaching out his hand to shake hers.
Lexie shook the man's hand. "I don't have a phone, but you could always find me here."
"You can contact her through me." Kaylee was standing behind Lexie, slightly blocking Nathan who was still frozen in his spot. "I'm the owner of the bar, and I already gave them my number."
"Alright then." The officer moved to shake Kaylee and Nathan's hand then left.
"Are you okay?" Kaylee moved closer to Lexie not touching her.
Lexie looked up at the woman in front of her, she was smiling kindly. It made Lexie think of the night Kaylee hired her, she was sitting on a park bench and Kaylee was standing in front of her. That is the same Kaylee that's in front of her now, the nice Kaylee, the concerned-about-people-Kaylee. "I'm okay. Just tired I guess."
"Go get your stuff, let's get out of here."
"What?" Lexie's shoulders fell, she was being kicked out of the bar. Is she fired too? She had nowhere else to go. She hadn't known Kaylee that long, but it was long enough for Lexie to know how much Kaylee valued the bar, it's always serious-business-no time for screw up-Kaylee whenever the bar is involved.
"I already spoke to the officers, they'll be here awhile so we won't be able to open today anyway. Let's just say it's a day off." Kaylee sat on the booth seat in front of Lexie's.
"But. I have nowhere…" Lexie sighed. "…okay. Let me just find my bag." There was nothing else Lexie could do. She would just have to figure it out. 'This is nothing. You'll think of something' She thought to herself, cheering herself up.